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21 April 2013

First Seconds After Boston Bomb Blast 1


2013-0395.pdf         Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Complaint via Boaz Guttman     April 22, 2013 (2.0MB)
2013-0384.htm         Boston Blasts: Bystanders Giving Aid             April 20, 2013
2013-0380.pdf         Tamerlan Tsarnaev                                April 19, 2013
2013-0379.htm         Djohar Tsarnaev                                  April 19, 2013
2013-0371.htm         Boston Bomb Blasts 2                             April 16, 2013
2013-0370.htm         Boston Bomb Blasts                               April 16, 2013

First Seconds After Boston Bomb Blast 1




2. Man at left center, hand raised, with naked knees, is Jeff Bauman, who lost both lower legs. The bomb was at his feet. Woman at right in blue top with arm extended is Krystle Campbell, who died. Several others lost legs.




4. Krystle is screaming at right.










9. Krystle Campbell, at left, has died. Jeff Bauman grasps his leg.


9. Krystle andJeff.


10. EMS checks for pulse of Krystle Campbell.
