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19 December 2013

PRGI Spy Report Commentary 002 of Series

The report:




12 December 2013

Report and Recommendations of
The President’s Review Group on Intelligence
and Communications Technologies


Page 10


On August 27, 2013, the President announced the creation of the Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies. The immediate backdrop for our work was a series of disclosures of classified information involving foreign intelligence collection by the National Security Agency. The disclosures revealed intercepted collections that occurred inside and outside of the United States and that included the communications of United States persons and legal permanent residents, as well as non-United States persons located outside the United States.

Although these disclosures and the responses and concerns of many people in the United States and abroad have informed this Report, we have focused more broadly on the creation of sturdy foundations for the future, safeguarding (as our title suggests) liberty and security in a rapidly changing world.

Limiting the review to Snowden's revelations ignores the extensive history of governmental technological abuses and narrows the scope of abusive technology to the small amount of Snowden's material released. This is so deceptive it could be considered part of a campaign to divert attention.

A decade after the Congressional investigations of abusive spying in the 1970s, Duncan Cambell in 1988 reported on Echelon, the 5-nation global surveillance system by US, UK, CA, AU and NZ. More from then to the present at his website demonstrating what may be the most comprehensive grasp of abusive technology outside the secrecy industry.

In 1998 Nicky Hager published Exposing the Global Surveillance System.

The 1998 "An Appraisal of Technologies for Political Control," published by the European Parliament covered a far wider range of abusive technologies.

Four subsequent EP reports in 2000 expanded the earlier study in detail:

"Development of Surveillance Technology and Risk of Abuse of Economic Information.

This culminated in the EP's final Echelon report in 2001.

Beyond Echelon, the specific TEMPEST technology and other sophisticated means and methods were reported.

Continuing news reports, books and public interest lawsuits on the technology of political control have appeared since the 1970s, and were not initiated only after 9/11 but were given a boost and greater latitude after that attack.

Amply reported (and litigated) by EFF, EPIC, ACLU, FAS, National Security Archive, national security media, and others.

Examples hosted by Cryptome 1996-2006.

And the range is far from limited to that covered in this report and is not likely to be assessed unless pubic attention is directed to it by technological experts able to disclose duplicitous policy and legal glossing of technological aggression, recognizing that some experts have secretly helped develop the tools of political control.

For a primer see EFF's recent compilation of ever-growing worldwide technological abuses aided and promoted by secret-sharing agreements of governments and industry.