NSA Documents on Cryptome 1996-2006
19 May 2006. Updated.
16 May 2006. Related:
NSA Operates Under the Rule of Law:
NSA Frequently Asked Questions:
14 May 2006
These are documents on the National Security Agency, electronic surveillance,
communications intelligence
(COMINT) and communications security (COMSEC) published by Cryptome from
March 1995 to the
Two collections on ECHELON and TEMPEST |
Key Echelon Files
nsa-ussid18.htm US Signals Intelligence Directive 18 - 1993 June 23, 2001
ussid18-guide.htm USSID 18 Guide June 23, 2001
echelon-nh.htm Nicky Hager Statement for EP Echelon Study June 3, 2001
echelon-ep.htm Updated Echelon Report by European Parliament June 3, 2001
newsham-hpsci.htm Margaret Newsham Talks to House Intel Group Feb 24, 2000
echelon-mndc.htm Margaret Newsham: First Source on Echelon Feb 25, 2000
echelon-p377.htm Echelon: P377 Work Package for CARBOY II Feb 26, 2000
echelon-adpe.htm Echelon Automatic Data Processing Equipment Feb 27, 2000
"Development of Surveillance Technology and Risk of Abuse of Economic Information:
(An appraisal of technologies of political control"
dst-pa.htm 1/5 EuroParl on ECHELON: Presentation/Analysis 1999
ic2000-dc.htm 2/5 Interception Capabilities 2000 1999
dst-3.htm 3/5 Encryption/Cryptosystems in Electronic Surveillance (FR) 1999
stoa-r3-5.htm 3/5 Encryption/Cryptosystems in Electronic Surveillance (EN) 1999
dst-2.htm 4/5 Legality of Interception of Electronic Communications 1999
dst-1.htm 5/5 Economic Risks of Electronic Interception 1999
stoa-atpc.htm Appraisal of the Technologies of Political Control 1998
esnoop.htm OTA Reports on Electronic Surveillance 1972-96
echelon-dc.htm Somebody's Listening (With Bibliography and Links) 1988
nsa-4th.htm + The National Security Agency and 4th Amendment Rights-1 1975
nsa-4th-p2.htm + The National Security Agency and 4th Amendment Rights-2 1975
nsa-40k.htm Uncle Sam and His 40,000 Snoopers 1973
nsa-elint.htm U.S. Electronic Espionage: A Memoir 1972
nsa102452.htm The National Security Agency Established 1952
http://www.cryptome.org/nsa-tempest.htm (updated)
nstissi-7000.htm NSTISSI No. 7000 TEMPEST Countermeasures for Facilities
nacsim-5000.htm NACSIM 5000 Tempest Fundamentals
nacsim-5000.zip NACSIM 5000 Tempest Fundamentals (Zipped 570K)
nsa-94-106.htm NSA No. 94-106 Specification for Shielded Enclosures
nsa-foia-app2.htm NSA Letter Releasing TEMPEST Documents
tempest-2-95.htm NSTISSAM TEMPEST/2-95 Red/Black Installation Guidance
nt1-92-1-5.htm NSTISSAM TEMPEST 1/92 - TOC and Sections 1-5
nt1-92-6-12.htm NSTISSAM TEMPEST 1/92 - Sections 6-12
nstissam1-92a.htm NSTISSAM TEMPEST 1/92 - Appendix A (TEMPEST Overview)
nt1-92-B-M.htm NSTISSAM TEMPEST 1/92 - Appendixes B-M
nt1-92-dist.htm NSTISSAM TEMPEST 1/92 - Distribution List
nsa-reg90-6.htm NSA/CSS Reg. 90-6, Technical Security Program
nsa-foia-app.htm NSA FOIA Appeal for TEMPEST Information
nsa-foia-req.htm NSA FOIA Request for TEMPEST Documents
tempest-law.htm Laws On TEMPEST (1989)
nsa-vaneck.htm NSA, Van Eck, Banks TEMPEST (1985)
nsa-etpp.htm NSA Endorsed TEMPEST Products Program
nsa-ettsp.htm NSA Endorsed TEMPEST Test Services Procedures
nsa-zep.htm NSA Zoned Equipment Program
tempest.html Complete, Unofficial TEMPEST Information Page (offsite)
hayden051806.htm + Michael V. Hayden Statement on Director of CIA May 19, 2006
hepting-130.pdf + ATT Denied Return of NSA Documents May 18, 2006
hepting-129.pdf + Press Opposition to Sealing ATT/NSA Documents May 18, 2006
bap071905.htm + Benjamin A Powell: ODNI General Counsel May 17, 2006
klw051606.htm + Kenneth L. Wainstein: AAG for National Security May 17, 2006
mayer-001.pdf + Complaint: Verizon Sued for $5B for NSA Aid May 17, 2006
hepting-128.pdf + EFF Opposition to USG Move to Dismiss ATT/NSA May 17, 2006
dni-nsa-decl.htm + State Secrets Declarations of DNI and NSA May 14, 2006
odni-eyeball.htm + Eyeballing Office of Director of National Intel May 14, 2006
nsa-foia-nse6.htm + Status of NSA FOIA Requests from Cryptome May 12, 2006
hayden-birdseye.htm + Michael Vincent Hayden Birdseye May 7, 2006
cop-terror.htm + Police Spying on Ordinary Americans May 7, 2006
nsa-lynn.htm + NSA Listening Post in Lynn, MA May 3, 2006
minihan-iiss.htm + NSA: Intelligence and Information Sys Security April 27, 2006
taclane-30.pdf + FOUO NSA Mandated TACLANE 3.0/3.0E Upgrade April 3, 2006
nsa-builds.htm + NSA Spy Centers Construction April 1, 2006
hr109-384.htm + House Report on NSA Domestic Spying 3 April 1, 2006
hr109-383.htm + House Report on NSA Domestic Spying 2 April 1, 2006
hr109-382.htm + House Report on NSA Domestic Spying 1 April 1, 2006
s2453.htm + National Security Surveillance Act of 2006 March 21, 2006
s2455.htm + Terrorist Surveillance Act of 2006 March 21, 2006
nctc-birdseye.htm + National Counterterrorism Center Birdseye March 3, 2006
nsa-bigears.htm + Sugar Grove - NSA Big Ears in the Mountains March 1, 2006
maee-birdseye.htm + MAE East Birdseye February 12, 2006
sprint-eyeball.htm + Eyeballing Sprint NAP Pennsauken February 11, 2006
nsa-wizard.htm + Eyeballing NSA Threat Operations Wizardry February 6, 2006
gonzales020606.htm + Alberto Gonzales Defends NSA Surveillance Again February 6, 2006
nsa-bamford.htm + James Bamford Statement on NSA Surveillance February 3, 2006
gonzales012406.htm + Alberto Gonzales Defends NSA Surveillance January 24, 2006
hayden012306.htm + Michael Hayden on Intel's Defense of the Nation January 23, 2006
fisc-members.htm + FISA Court and FISA Review Court Members January 20, 2006
nsa-program.htm + The NSA Program January 3, 2006
doj-nsa-spy.htm + DoJ Letter on NSA Eavesdropping December 29, 2005
moyock-birdseye.htm Moyock Naval Communications Station Birdseye December 29, 2005
scs-birdseye.htm NSA-CIA Special Collection Service Birdseye December 24, 2005 (Corrected)
sugar-eyeball.htm Eyeballing Sugar Grove Echelon Station December 23, 2005
sigint-hr-dc.htm + Signals Intelligence and Human Rights - ECHELON December 21, 2005
nsa-4th.htm + 1975 Hearing: The NSA and 4th Amendment Rights December 16, 2005
nsa-ussid18.htm + 1993: US Signals Intelligence Directive 18 December 16, 2005
nsa-clash.htm 1999: House Clashes with NSA on Oversight December 16, 2005
nsa-4th-view.htm + 2001: NSA Executive Recalls SHAMROCK December 16, 2005
nsa-spied-us.htm + NSA Spied Inside the US December 15, 2005
nsa-refund.htm + NSA FOIA Refund December 8, 2005
nsa-6957374.htm + NSA Patent: Method of Acknowledging Data Packets November 26, 2005
satspy-eyeball.htm Eyeballing Spy Satellites November 12, 2005
nsa-foia-nse5.htm + NSA May Release Non-Secret Encryption Docs October 29, 2005
sugar-eyeball.htm + Eyeballing Sugar Grove Echelon Station Update October 23, 2005
echelon-reorg.htm + Navy Echelon Unit Reorganized for Net Focus October 7, 2005
nsa-6947978.htm + NSA Patent: Geolocating Network Addresses September 21, 2005
nsa-6922774.htm + NSA Secure Computing Using Virtual Machines July 30, 2005
nsa-6912284.htm + NSA Self-Authenticating Cryptographic Apparatus July 21, 2005
nsa070605.txt + NSA Promises Privacy for Security July 7, 2005
satport-eyeball.htm + Eyeballing the Silver Spring Satellite Teleport June 18, 2005
nsa-ecc.htm + NSA Elliptic Curve Cryptography Patent June 5, 2005
nsa-stifle.htm + NSA Power Grab and Press Stifle May 24, 2005
moyock-eyeball.htm + Eyeballing the Moyock Naval SIGINT Station May 21, 2005
nsa-sha.htm + NSA Patents SHA-256-SHA-512 Hashes May 18, 2005
nsa-heroes.htm + Hayden's Heroes May 8, 2005
nsa-lke-eyeball.htm + Eyeballing the NSA Lioniel Kemp Ensor May 7, 2005
nsa-rats.htm + NSA Rats 10,000 US Citizens April 25, 2005
nsa-sa-eyeball.htm + Eyeballing National Security Agency San Antonio April 16, 2005
nsa-prep.htm + NSA Prep March 21, 2005
hayden-eyeball.htm + Eyeballing Michael V. Hayden February 17, 2005
nsa-codeword.htm + NSA Top Secret Umbra Gamma Orcon US/UK Only Doc January 11, 2005
nromcc-eyeball.htm Eyeballing the NRO Mission Control Center December 27, 2004
nsa102604.txt + NSA News October 26, 2004
tia2-eyeball.htm + Eyeballing the TIA2 Homeland Spying October 9, 2004
us-eyeball.htm + Mil Spy Agency Eyeballs the US September 27, 2004
fisc-members.htm + Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Members August 23, 2004
dirnsa-shift.htm + Director of NSA Shifts to New Path August 9, 2004
nsa080904.txt + NSA Issues Records Exemptions August 9, 2004
dod-homespy.htm + Proposed Homeland Spying by Defense Dept June 19, 2004
nsa-access.htm + NSA Patent for Third Party Access to Crypto Key April 21, 2004
nsa031904.txt + NSA Declares FOIA Restrictions March 20, 2004
nsaodd-eyeball.htm + Big Eyeballing NSA Odd Station March 7, 2004
us-bugs.htm + Foreign Electronic Surveillance in the US March 3, 2004
ntia030104.txt + Wireless Spying Technology Forum March 2, 2004
nsa-savior.htm + Perry Fellwock--Savior of the World February 26, 2004
nsa-spy-un.htm + NSA Memo on UN Spying February 8, 2004
data-pry.zip + Data Mining for Counterterrorism/NatSec (3.2MB) January 19, 2004
uss-liberty.htm + Attack on USS Liberty Conference January 14, 2004
scsbig-eyeball.htm + Big Eyeballing CIA-NSA Special Collection Unit January 10, 2004
nrobig-eyeball.htm + Big Eyeballing the NRO Headquarters January 4, 2004
nrofb-eyeball.htm + Eyeballing the NRO Stations at Ft Belvoir January 3, 2004
nsabig-eyeball.htm + Huge Eyeballing the NSA January 3, 2003
tia-seisint.htm + TIA Returns as Seisint's MATRIX November 23, 2003
nsa-gun.htm + Ex-GCHQ Woman Charged over NSA UN-Spy Memo November 13, 2003
cnss-idx03.htm + Index of National Security Systems Issuances October 6, 2003
robbins-rip.htm + David Robbins, NSA Cryptologist, Dies September 18, 2003
uspto090903.txt + Secrecy of National Security Inventions September 9, 2003
dod-us-spy.htm + DoD Electronic Surveillance of US Persons August 26, 2003
poindexter.htm + John Poindexter Resignation Letter August 13, 2003
nsa072203.htm + NSA Statement on Cybersecurity August 11, 2003
morwenstow.jpg + Eyeballing NSA Morwenstow UK Echelon Station July 27, 2003
nsa-curbed.htm + Congress Curbs NSA's Buying Power July 20, 2003
tia071403.txt + TIA Deleted from Defense Funding July 16, 2003
nsa-act59.htm + National Security Agency Act of 1959 July 7, 2003
intel-laws.htm + Compilation of US Intelligence Laws & Orders July 7, 2003
laes-reports.htm + Lawfully Authorized Electronic Surveillance Docs June 29, 2003
nsa-uk.htm + NSA Historical Crypto Documents on Britain June 29, 2003
4134642-1979.htm + Patent to Prevent Optical Fiber Tapping June 21, 2003
aes-natsec.htm + AES to Protect National Security Information June 20, 2003
nsa-v-all.htm + How NSA Battled Crypto Competition June 15, 2003
kicka-eyeball.htm + Eyeballing Lake Kickapoo Space Surveillance Sta. June 12, 2003
skaggs-eyeball.htm + Eyeballing Naval Security Group Skaggs Island June 11, 2003
wireless-spy.htm + US Seeks More Wireless Echelon May 28, 2003
nsa052303.txt + NSA Revises Public Info Means and Methods May 23, 2003
tia-others.htm + Other Total Information Spying Programs May 22, 2003
nsa051903.txt + NSA Wee Notice on Mandatory Declassification May 20, 2003
venona-ru.htm + VENONA Decrypts and Russian Codebooks May 19, 2003
ic-black4501.htm + Rise of the Intelligence Establishment 1945-50 May 10, 2003
fisc-members.htm + FISA Court Members Update May 7, 2003
tia-ban.txt + Whither the Ban on Total Information Awareness? May 6, 2003
friedman-1933.htm + NSA Crypto Patent -- William Friedman 1933 April 29, 2003
friedman-1936.htm + NSA Crypto Patent -- William Friedman 1936 April 29, 2003
safford-1944.htm + NSA Crypto Patent -- Safford and Seiler 1944 April 29, 2003
fisc-members.htm + Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Members April 9, 2003
ncsc-3.htm + NCSC 3 -- TEMPEST Glossary April 6, 2003
nsa-museum.htm + NSA's National Cryptologic Museum March 29, 2003
etl90-3.pdf + TEMPEST Protection of Facilities March 24, 2003
caw31-utc.htm + NSA CAW 3.1 Users Training Course March 21, 2003
tapac031003.txt + DoD Sets up Total Information Assurance Panel March 10, 2003
nsa-chart.htm + NSA Organizational Chart March 9, 2003
koza-eyeball.htm + Eyeballing Frank Koza and NSA March 2, 2003
nsa022003.txt + National Security Agency Privacy Act Program February 20, 2003
disa-stations.htm + Location of US Military Communication Facilities February 10, 2003
tia-update.htm + DoD: Total Information Awareness (TIA) Update February 8, 2003
tia-eyeball.htm + Eyeballing Total Information Awareness December 2, 2002
tia-wet.htm + Poindexter's Snooping Wet Dream November 18, 2002
nsa101702.htm + NSA Director Testimony 17 October 2002 November 4, 2002
nsa-ranks.htm + NSA InfoSec Evaluations November 2, 2002
bamford-fisc.htm + James Bamford: Washington Bends the Rules August 27, 2002
fisa051702.htm + Spy Court Opinion and Orders May 17, 2002 August 23, 2002
nsc011377.htm + NSC Bitches on NSA Home Spying Limits/Leaks 1977 August 13, 2002
cablew-eyeball.htm + Eyeballing US Transpacific Cable Landings July 9, 2002
nytel-eyeball.htm + Eyeballing Downtown Manhattan Telephone Hubs July 4, 2002
cable-eyeball.htm + Eyeballing US Transatlantic Cable Landings July 4, 2002
kent-eyeball.htm + Eyeballing NSA Kent Island Research Facility June 28, 2002
odom-062602.htm + Ex-NSA Head: Homeland Security and Intelligence June 27, 2002
mrsoc-eyeball.htm + Eyeballing the Medina Regional SIGINT Center June 22, 2002
bighole-eyeball.htm + Eyeballing the Big Hole Communications Bunker June 15, 2002
nsa-ziplip.htm + NSA Launches Ad Campaign Urging Secrecy June 4, 2002
driver-eyeball.htm + Eyeballing Naval Radio Station Driver June 2, 2002
cutler-eyeball.htm + Eyeballing Naval Radio Station Cutler June 2, 2002
jcrs-eyeball.htm + Eyeballing Jim Creek Naval Radio Station June 1, 2002
rosman-eyeball.htm + Eyeballing the Former NSA Rosman Station May 27, 2002
nsgani-eyeball.htm + Eyeballing NSGA at North Island NAS, San Diego May 26, 2002
nromf-eyeball.htm + Eyeballing NRO Mission Control Center May 24, 2002
nrohq-eyeball.htm + Eyeballing National Reconnaissance Office HQ May 23, 2002
echelon2-arch.htm + Meet the Architect for Echelon II May 21, 2002
nsgah-eyeball.htm + Eyeballing Dead NSGA Homestead May 21, 2002
nsgasd-eyeball.htm + Eyeballing the Naval Security Group San Diego May 15, 2002
nsa051502.txt + NSA Records of Child Care May 15, 2002
scs-eyeball.htm + Eyeballing CIA/NSA Special Collection Service May 13, 2002
nsa3-eyeball.htm + Eyeballing the NSA Neighborhood May 13, 2002
moyock-eyeball.htm + Eyeballing the Moyock Naval SIGINT Station May 10, 2002
winter-eyeball.htm + Eyeballing Naval Security Group at Winter Harbor May 4, 2002
nsga031502.htm + Naval Security Group Activity on 15 March 2002 May 3, 2002
fmsoc-eyeball.htm + Eyeballing Ft. Meade SIGINT Operations Center May 3, 2002
nro-eyeball.htm + Eyeballing the National Reconnaissance Office April 30, 2002
yrs-eyeball.htm + Eyeballing the Yakima Echelon Station April 29, 2002
sugar-eyeball.htm + Eyeballing Sugar Grove Echelon Station April 28, 2002
mrsoc-eyeball.htm + Eyeballing the Medina Regional SIGINT Center April 27, 2002
nsa-eyeball.htm + Eyeballing the National Security Agency April 25, 2002
echelon-biz.htm + Ex-NSA Official Echelon II Biz Boast April 23, 2002
dirty-spock.htm + DIRTy SPOCK - NSA Meeting Minutes April 4, 2002
nsa031202.htm + NSA on Skills for National/Homeland Security March 27, 2002
nsa030402.htm + NSA on Partnerships for Combating Terrorism March 9, 2002
tempest-time.htm + TEMPEST Timeline (Updated) January 23, 2002
nsa-xx-gov.htm + NSA Crippled Crypto Makes Congress Vulnerable January 15, 2002
nsa010302.txt + NSA/CSS Privacy Records January 3, 2002
tempest.html + The Complete Unofficial TEMPEST Information Page January 3, 2002
nsa-4th-view.htm + NSA's SHAMROCK - A View From the NSA Side December 26, 2001
nist120601.htm + NIST on AES Announcement December 6, 2001
fips-197.htm + FIPS 197 - Advanced Encryption Standard December 6, 2001
echelon-ep-fin.htm + European Parliament Final Report on Echelon September 7, 2001
echelon-090501.htm + European Commission Resolution on Echelon September 6, 2001
cjcsm623105a-B.htm + CJCSM 6231.05a App B-Detailed COMSEC Procedures September 3, 2001
cjcsm623105a-A.htm + CJCSM 6231.05a App A-KIV-7 Embeddable KG-84 September 3, 2001
cjcsm623105a.htm + CJCSM 6231.05a - Joint Communications Security September 3, 2001
nsa-cort.htm + NSA: Cyber Operations Readiness Triad (CORT) August 31, 2001
nsa-dcm.htm + NSA's Dual Counter Mode Broken and Withdrawn August 13, 2001
uk-us-bribe.htm + Can UK-US Echelon-Bribe EU Spooks July 15, 2001
echelon-turco.htm + EP Echelon Report Dissent by Maurizio Turco MEP July 6, 2001
nsa-ussid18.htm + US Signals Intelligence Directive 18 - 1993 June 23, 2001
ussid18-guide.htm + USSID 18 Guide June 23, 2001
nsa-w2k.htm + NSA Windows 2000 Security Guides (28 files) June 19, 2001 (Updated)
nsa-w2k.zip + NSA Windows 2000 Security Guides (Zipped, 8.3MB) June 19, 2001 (Updated)
echelon-nh.htm + Nicky Hager Statement for EP Echelon Study June 3, 2001
nsa-fibertap.htm + More on NSA Tapping Undersea Fiber Cables May 29, 2001
nsa-secrets.htm + Book Sheds Light on NSA Secrets April 27, 2001
e-spy-telecom.htm + Electronic Surveillance of Telecomm Update April 22, 2001
nsa-2821.htm + The NSA-affiliated 2821 Machines List April 9, 2001
nsa-bxa-enc.htm + NSA-BXA Encryption Products Review March 20, 2001
e-spy-telecom.htm + Electronic Surveillance of Telecommunications March 7, 2001
echelon-vc2.htm + Verton on Echelon and Campbell January 29, 2001
echelon-vc.htm + Verton and Campbell on Echelon Paranoia January 28, 2001
fisa-biblio.htm + Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act: Articles January 19, 2001
nonstop-hijack.htm + NONSTOP and HIJACK Paper January 15, 2001
nacsem-5112.htm + NACSEM 5112 NONSTOP Evaluation Techniques January 14, 2001
nonstop-query.htm + NONSTOP Crypto Query January 12, 2001
nsa-hole-nbc.htm + NBC on NSA Rosman Base January 12, 2001
nsa-hole-pix.htm + More on NSA's Abandoned Station January 6, 2001
nstissi-7000.htm + TEMPEST Countermeasures for Facilities January 2, 2001
nacsim-5000.htm + NACSIM 5000 Tempest Fundamentals December 31, 2000
nacsim-5000.zip + NACSIM 5000 Tempest Fundamentals (Zipped 570K) December 31, 2000
nsa-94-106.htm + NSA Specification for Shielded Enclosures December 30, 2000
nsa-foia-app2.htm + NSA Letter Releasing TEMPEST Documents December 30, 2000
tempest-2-95.htm + Red/Black Installation Guidance (TEMPEST) December 30, 2000
rowlett-kahn.htm + Frank Rowlett and David Kahn December 10, 2000
nsa-uca.ppt + PowerPoint: NSA Unified Cryptologic Architecture October 20, 2000
nsa-uca.htm + NSA: Unified Cryptologic Architecture October 19, 2000
nsa-reorg-net.htm + NSA Internal Team Report on Reorg - Update October 18, 2000
nsa-reorg-id.htm + Inside Defense on NSA Reorganization Studies October 17, 2000
nsa-reorg-et.htm + NSA External Team Report on Reorganization October 17, 2000
nsa-sabotage.htm + A Pocket Guide to NSA Sabotage September 2, 2000
newsham-hit.htm + Margaret Newsham Guard Dog Attacked August 21, 2000
nsa081700.txt + NSA Technology Expo August 16, 2000
nsa-crypto33-2.htm + More on NSA 1933 Cryptographic System August 11, 2000
echelon-wily.htm + Echelon Wildly Exaggerated - Wily Official August 6, 2000
nsa-crypto33.htm + NSA 1933 Cryptographic System August 4, 2000
nsa-patents.htm + NSA Patents 1979-2000 July 1, 2000
nsa-nsa.htm + NSA Reports on US Persons June 28, 2000
nsa-redo.htm + NSA Overhauls Corporate Structure June 25, 2000
echelon-cinsa.htm + CIA and NSA on ECHELON April 29, 2000
nsakey-ms-dc.htm + Microsoft/Campbell on NSA_KEY in Windows (more) April 27, 2000
nsa021500.txt + Crypto Sec for Hand Emplaced Wide Area Munitions April 19, 2000
nsa-snoops.htm + NSA Defends Snooping April 13, 2000
barr-nsa-law.htm + Bob Barr on NSA Legal Authorities April 11, 2000
echelon-de-spy.htm + German Spies: ECHELON Exists April 3, 2000
nsa-econ-spy.htm + NSA Economic Intelligence Gathering April 2, 2000
echelon040100.htm + ECHELON News - 1 April 2000 April 1, 2000
echelon-eb2.htm + ECHELON Reports from Denmark April 1, 2000
echelon033000.htm + ECHELON News - 30 March 2000 March 30, 2000
echelon-news.htm + ECHELON News - 29 March 2000 March 29, 2000
nsa-shamrock.htm + Recalling SHAMROCK: NSA Spying on US Citizens March 20, 2000
echelon-cia2.htm + Ex-CIA Head: Why We Spy On Our Allies March 17, 2000
dod5240-1-r.htm + Procedures for DoD Intelligence on US Persons March 13, 2000
nsa-ussid18.htm + NSA US Signal Intelligence Directive 18 March 11, 2000
echelon-60min.htm + Transcript of 60 Minutes on Echelon March 2, 2000
cia-nsa-scs.htm + Secret CIA/NSA Crypto Crack/Black Job Teams February 28, 2000
barr-nsa.htm + Rep. Barr Letter to NSA on Privacy February 28, 2000
echelon-adpe.htm + Echelon Automatic Data Processing Equipment February 27, 2000
nsa-bot-spy.htm + The NSA Bot Now Spying? February 26, 2000
echelon-p377.htm + Echelon: P377 Work Package for CARBOY II February 26, 2000
echelon-mndc.htm + Margaret Newsham: First Source on Echelon February 25, 2000
newsham-hpsci.htm + Margaret Newsham Talks to House Intel Group February 24, 2000
dst-pa.htm + EuroParl on ECHELON: Presentation/Analysis February 24, 2000
nsa-ms-spy.htm + French Say NSA Agents Work at Microsoft February 19, 2000
menwith-mn60.htm + Return to NSA's Menwith Hill with 60 Minutes February 11, 2000
tempest-old.htm + How Old Is TEMPEST? February 10, 2000
echelon-baby.htm + Interview: ECHELON Was My Baby December 21, 1999
nsa-wars.htm + NSA Wars December 15, 1999
nsa-obey.htm + NSA Obeys Law December 7, 1999
nsa-sees.htm + NSA Sees Self: High-Tech Is the Enemy December 6, 1999
nsa-sez.htm + NSA Statement December 6, 1999
nsa-nyt.htm + NSA May Have to Adjust December 6, 1999
nsa-madsen.htm + Madsen On Hersh NSA Article November 30, 1999
nsa-hersh.htm + NSA: The Intelligence Gap November 29, 1999
nsa-sii.htm + NSA, SIGINT, Intel Initiatives November 25, 1999
tac-rp.htm + Traffic Analysis Capabilities November 24, 1999
nsa-vaneck.htm + NSA, Van Eck, Bank Emissions November 22, 1999
nsa-rev98 + Text Retrieval via Semantic Forests 1998 /JA November 22, 1999
nsa-rev97 + Text Retrieval via Semantic Forests 1997 /JA November 22, 1999
nsa-mhs.htm + NSA Menwith Hill Station Funds November 20, 1999
nsa-zep.htm + NSA Zoned Equipment Program November 19, 1999
nsa-ettsp.htm + NSA Endorsed TEMPEST Test Services Procedures November 19, 1999
nsa-etpp.htm + NSA Endorsed TEMPEST Products Program November 19, 1999
nsa-vox-pat.htm + NSA Vox/Topic Spotting Patent November 15, 1999
nsa-outlaw.htm + Bamford: NSA Operates Under Outdated Laws November 14, 1999
echelon-uk.htm + UK Balks At Sharing Echelon Data November 12, 1999
echelon-law.htm + Legality of Echelon November 10, 1999
ilets-snoop.htm + Global Requirements for Interception - ILETS November 5, 1999
nsa-spock.htm + S.P.O.C.K. November 4, 1999
tempest-law.htm + Laws On TEMPEST (1989) November 1, 1999
nt1-92-B-M.htm + NSTISSAM TEMPEST 1/92 - Appendixes B-M October 31, 1999
nsa-ffc.htm + NSA: Change in Fortezza for Classified Policy October 30, 1999
nt1-92-dist.htm + NSTISSAM TEMPEST 1/92 - Distribution List October 28, 1999
nt1-92-6-12.htm + NSTISSAM TEMPEST 1/92 - Sections 6-12 October 26, 1999
nt1-92-1-5.htm + NSTISSAM TEMPEST 1/92 - TOC, Sections 1-5 October 25, 1999
barr-notap.htm + Rep. Barr Hits IETF Wiretapping October 25, 1999
nsa-reg90-6.htm + NSA/CSS Reg. 90-6, Technical Security Program October 24, 1999
nstissam1-92a.htm + NSTISSAM TEMPEST 1/92 - Appendix A October 24, 1999
nsa-foia-app.htm + NSA FOIA Appeal for TEMPEST Information October 24, 1999
nsa091499.txt + Check Out NSA's Finest Technologies October 15, 1999
nsa-ops1.htm + NSA OPS1 Info Assurance Party October 10, 1999
ukpk-true.htm + Is GCHQ/CESG Public Key Story True? October 6, 1999
ukpk-alt.htm + The Alternative History of Public Key Crypto October 6, 1999
echelon-eu.htm + Echelon Events in Europe September 16, 1999
msnsa-law.htm MSNSA Key Illegal? September 7, 1999
msnsa-not.htm MSNSA Not News September 6, 1999
msnsa-ke.htm MSNSA Key As Key Escrow Solution September 6, 1999
fbi-nsa.htm + FBI/NSA Deny COMINT to IC September 4, 1999
dst-3.htm + Development of Surveillance Technologies/Crypto August 20, 1999
dst-2.htm + Development of Surveillance Technologies/Law August 20, 1999
dst-1.htm + Development of Surveillance Technologies/Survey August 20, 1999
nsa-aes-r2.htm NSA Test of AES Round 2 Algorithms August 14, 1999
50usc-ch36.htm + Foreign Electronic Surveillance - 50 USC Ch 36 August 8, 1999
18usc-ch119.htm + Interception of Communications - 18 USC Ch 119 August 8, 1999
18usc-ch121.htm + Access to Stored Communications - 18 USC Ch 121 August 8, 1999
18usc-ch206.htm + Pen Registers and Trap and Trace - 18 USC Ch 206 August 8, 1999
nsa-word.htm NSA Word Spotting 3 August 5, 1999
nsa-study.htm Possible NSA Decryption Capabilities July 19, 1999
nsa-4th-p2.htm + NSA and 4th Amendment Rights Part 2 (Church Rept) July 4, 1999
nsa-4th.htm + The NSA and 4th Amendment Rights (Church Report) June 27, 1999
nsa-crack.htm NSA Crackability - Crypto Export Controls June 7, 1999
nsa-patents.htm NSA Patents May 29, 1999
echelon-bw.htm Echelon: They're Listening To Your Calls May 27, 1999
nsa-clash.txt House Report: NSA Is In Deep Shit May 25, 1999
hr106-130p1.txt House Report on Intel Funding FY2000 May 25, 1999
echelon-barr.txt Echelon Amendment to Intel Funding FY2000 May 25, 19
nist-nsa-law.htm House Revising Computer Security Act (NIST/NSA) May 21, 1999
nsa-voice.htm NSA Word Recognition Technology May 20, 1999
nsa-bot.htm The NSA Bot May 10, 1999
ic2000-dc.htm Echelon: Interception Capabilities 2000 May 10, 1999
nsa-wiretap98.htm Ex-NSA Counsel Baker on Wiretap98 May 8, 1999
Ilets-dc2.htm The Hidden Hand of ILETS May 1, 1999
nsa-ttfs.htm NSA Technology Transfer Fact Sheets April 30, 1999
Ilets-dc.htm Intercepting the Internet April 29, 1999
echelon-ermes.htm Echelon v. Ermes April 25, 1999
nsa-pecsenc.htm Ex-DIRNSA to Head PECSENC April 22, 1999
nsa-spylink.htm Ex-DIRNSA-Cylink CEO Named to Export Council April 19, 1999
dc-echelon.htm Duncan Campbell on Echelon Research March 11, 1999
nsa-scs.htm NSA's SCS: A Most Unusual Collection Agency March 1, 1999
nsa-hayden2.htm Hayden Nominated As NSA Head February 24, 1999
echelon-dod.htm Request for DefSec Cohen on Echelon February 18, 1999
nist021799.txt NIST/NSA RFC: Info Tech Security Accreditation February 17, 1999
nsa-40k.htm Uncle Sam and His 40,000 Snoopers February 17, 1999
nsa-mathjob.htm NSA Math Job Interview February 11, 1999
nsa-98.htm NSA Research 1998 December 30, 1998
paperF1.htm NSA: The Inevitability of Failure of CompSec December 17, 1998
nsa-diana.htm NSA Echelons Diana, Chechnya? December 12, 1998
nsa-zarf.htm NSA's ZARF December 6, 1998
nsa-sab97.htm NSA Scientific Advisory Board November 25, 1998
nsa-dir-new.htm New NSA Director to Face Major Challenges November 6, 1998
nsa-56bit.htm NSA: 56-Bit Crypto Export OK October 30, 1998
nsa-info.htm NSA Info Sought October 22, 1998
echelon-go.htm ECHELON's Origin October 9, 1998
nsa102452.htm NSA Established as COMINT Head October 1, 1998
nsa093098.htm New NSA Freedom of Information Act Program September 30, 1998
en092198.htm ECHELON News September 23, 1998
nsa-softcost.htm NSA Soft Landing and Accounting Problems August 21, 1998
nist081298.txt NIST/NSA Workshop on Common Criteria for Infosec August 12, 1998
nsa-loss.htm NSA Losing Cryptography Experts to Biz July 29, 1998
nsa-lsa.htm The Long, Strong Arm of the NSA July 21, 1998
whp071598.htm Payne/Morales v. NSA: Response to USCA Orders July 19, 1998
nsa-foia-req.htm NSA/FOIA Request for TEMPEST Documents July 9, 1998
nsa-rowlett.htm NSA Code Wizard Frank Rowlett Dies July 2, 1998
sec062998.htm Payne v. NSA: Judge on Classified NSA Declaration June 30, 1998
whp063098.htm Payne v. NSA: Response to Motion to Remand FOIA June 30, 1998
nsa-press.htm NSA Press Release on SKIPJACK and KEA June 29, 1998
usa062698.htm Payne v. NSA: US on Classified NSA Declaration June 27, 1998
usa062298.htm Payne v. NSA: US Motion on FOIA for NSA Algos June 27, 1998
nsa-daguio.htm Daguio on NSA Declassified Algos June 24, 1998
nsa062398.htm NSA Declassifies Encryption Formulas June 24, 1998
usa061298.htm Payne/Morales v. NSA: US Duns $625 Bar Tab June 15, 1998
dgsfiles.htm Using FOIA and APA: The Case of US Army STRICOM June 15, 1998
arm061298.htm Morales Case Dockets 10th USCA June 12, 1998
whp061098.htm Payne v NSA - Appeal of Order of April 30, 1998 June 12, 1998
whp060998.htm Payne v NSA - Appeal of Order of May 21, 1998 June 12, 1998
nsa-gomez.htm Gomez on Secret Military Sites June 10, 1998
nsa-debunk.htm NSA Critics Debunked June 10, 1998
nsa-f83-view.htm Menwith Hill Base - Spy Station F83 Illustated June 7, 1998
nsa-f83.htm NSA Spy Station F83 June 1, 1998
whp052898.htm Payne v. NSA: Plaintiff's Motion and Objection May 28, 1998
usa052098.htm Payne v. NSA: Review of TS-SCI-CODEWORD Document May 22, 1998
whp052198.htm Payne v. NSA: Memo and Order Denying Amendment May 22, 1998
nsa-theft.htm NSA Police Suspected in Agency Thefts May 9, 1998
nsa-ste.htm NSA > STU-III > STE > KOV-14 > CA-Finksburg April 30, 1998
nsa-read.htm NSA Electronic Surveillance: Selected Readings April 29, 1998
echelon-dc.htm ECHELON: NSA's Global Electronic Interception April 29, 1998
karn-opp.htm Karn v. USA: Oppostion Brief April 22, 1998
nsa-krisks.htm NSA Report Details Key-Recovery Risks April 14, 1998
nsa-elint.htm U.S. Electronic Espionage: A Memoir (84K) April 13, 1998
nsa-spl NSA's Special Processing Laboratory (offsite) April 10, 1998
nsa-nasa.htm NSA to Hack NASA March 24, 1998
echelon2.htm Update: Original Sources for ECHELON March 16, 1998
whp012898.htm Payne/Morales v. NSA: Strike NSA/SNL Admissions February 8, 1998
echelon.htm NSA Global Surveillance System February 2, 1998
32cfr322.txt Privacy Act Exemption for NSA Records (40K) February 1, 1998
32cfr299.txt National Security Agency FOIA Program (8K) February 1, 1998
nsa-etc-nf.htm NSA, Echelon, Trade & Crypto/Netscape & Fortify January 28, 1998
nsasuit8.htm USA/NSA Responds to Payne/Morales Motion January 16, 1998
whp122397.htm Payne/Morales v. NSA Motion for Summary Judgment December 25, 1997
nsa-spynet.htm NSA Spy Network Confirmed by EU December 20, 1997
nsa-foia.htm NSA's Freedom Of Information Act/Privacy Act December 10, 1997
nsa-ufo.htm NSA Documents on UFOs December 10, 1997
nsa-ncs21.htm NSA: National Cryptologic Strategy 21st Century December 10, 1997
nsa-crowell.htm Retirement of NSA's William Crowell October 23, 1997
nsasuit7.htm USA/NSA Motions in Payne/Morales v. NSA October 19, 1997
safe-baker.htm Stew Baker to House Commerce Committee on SAFE September 29, 1997
gak-baker.htm Stewart Baker: Analysis of Draft Crypto Bill September 8, 1997
nsa-nist.txt NSA/NIST to Evaluate Data Security Products September 2, 1997
gnsa-18.txt NSA/CSS Operations Files August 16, 1997
nsa-pa-files.htm NSA/CSS Privacy Act Files August 16, 1997
nsa-privacy.htm NSA/CSS Privacy Act Records August 14, 1997
nsa-display NSA/CSS Cryptologic Memorial (offsite) August 8, 1997
fort-cancel.htm Fortezza 2.0 Cancellation August 8, 1997
nsathreat.htm NSA's Quest for Diversity Called A Threat July 7, 1997
nsazeal2.htm Spook Pressure on New Zealand Crypto Export June 24, 1997
whpfiles.htm Payne vs. NSA/Sandia Documents June 21, 1997
nsasuit6.htm Payne/Morales vs. NSA Motions and Order June 21, 1997
fortleaf.htm NSA: FORTEZZA's LEAF Support Removed April 19, 1997
nsagak.htm NSA: InfoSec in a 3rd Wave Society April 13, 1997
nsacrowell.htm NSA on SAFE Crypto March 25, 1997
nsaquery.htm NSA Queried by Congress on Crypto March 24, 1997
nsanay.htm NSA Nays Cell Phone Code March 20, 1997
nsa-sun.htm NSA and Crypto AG March 8, 1997
whp1.htm Cryptographer William H. Payne March 8, 1997
nsasuit2.txt NSA Sued by Cryptographer 2, Rev. March 8, 1997
nsasuit.txt NSA Sued by Cryptographer 1, Rev. March 8, 1997
pklogin2.txt NSA Public Key Login Protocol, March 8, 1997
50usc401.txt National Security Intelligence March 5, 1997
nsacrypt.txt NSA Cryptologia March 1, 1997
fis.htm Foreign Intel Surveillance February 23, 1997
nsaleash.htm NSA Unleashed on Cyberspace February 22, 1997
nsamat.htm NSA Material at NARA, Revised February 15, 1997
nsazeal.htm NSA Influence on NZ Crypto, Revised February 14, 1997
fortcert.htm New Fortezza Requirements February 5, 1997
esnoop.htm OTA Reports on Electronic Surveillance January 30, 1997
fortezza.htm Fortezza Crypto December 14, 1996
nsatypo.htm NSA Corrections November 1, 1996
nsamint.htm NSA on E-Cash November 1, 1996
nrcindex.htm Cryptography's Role in Securing the Info Society May 30, 1996
nrcnidx.htm Laws, Documents, Regulations, Relevant to Crypto May 30, 1996
clipper3.htm Enabling Privacy, Commerce, Security and Public May 20, 1996 Safety in the Global Information Infrastructure
datasec.htm Data Security by Design March 1995