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Official Secrets Association Gangs

While the US does not yet have a formal Official Secrets Act it obtains the same result underhandedly with excessive classification and a worldwide OSA-cartel directed primarily by mercenary spies and officials privatizing security clearances. Cryptome will offer an OSA Gangs series on these covert official spy operations which serve as models for online spying. Thanks to Dana Priest and Bill Arkin for "Top Secret America," R.J. Hillhouse for "The Spy Who Billed Me," Tim Shorrock for "Out of Service," Source Watch for "Homeland Security Contractors," and many more.

usmgosg-ad.pdf        Ad for US's Most Grotesque Official Secrets Gang June 20, 2011 (3.1MB)

usmgosg.htm           US's Most Grotesque Official Secrets Gangsters   June 19, 2011
i2-osa.pdf            I2 Group OSA Spying                              June 19, 2011
secspeak-osa.pdf      Security Speakers Bureau OSA Spying              May 31, 2011
global-osa.pdf        Global Intelligence Forum OSA Spying             May 31, 2011
henley-osa.pdf        Henley-Putnam OSA Spying                         May 31, 2011

nisc-osa.pdf          IBM National Interest Security Co OSA Spying     May 31, 2011
kissinger-osa.pdf     Henry Kissinger OSA Spying                       May 31, 2011
scowcroft-osa.pdf     Brent Scowcroft Group OSA Spying                 May 31, 2011
rice-osa.pdf          Condoleezza Rice Hadley OSA Spying               May 31, 2011
albright-osa.pdf      Albright Berger Rudman OSA Spying                May 31, 2011

black-osa.pdf         Cofer Black OSA Spying                           May 31, 2011
sheehan-osa.pdf       Michael Sheehan Lexington OSA Spying             May 31, 2011
stern-osa.pdf         Jessica Stern OSA Spying                         May 31, 2011
zegart-osa.pdf        Amy Zegart OSA Spying                            May 31, 2011 (ok)      DNI Masterspy ~1000 OSA Spying Repost            May 30, 2011 (4.7MB)

nsa-osa.pdf           National Security Agency OSA Spying              May 30, 2011
tapo-osa.pdf          Trusted Access Program Office OSA Spying         May 30, 2011
dhs-osa.pdf           Homeland Security OSA Spying                     May 30, 2011
sonsp-osa.pdf         Society of National Security Professionals OSA   May 30, 2011
chertoff-osa.pdf      Chertoff Group OSA Spying                        May 30, 2011

sotera-osa.pdf        Sotera Defense Solutions OSA Spying              May 30, 2011
bah-osa.pdf           Booz Allen Hamilton OSA Spying                   May 30, 2011
cleared-osa.pdf       Cleared Connections OSA Spying                   May 30, 2011
mantech-osa.pdf       ManTech OSA Spying                               May 30, 2011
osa-gangs.pdf         Official Secrets Associations                    May 30, 2011

Archive in formation:

osa-wrong.pdf         Offical Secrets Act Wrongly Interpreted          September 23, 2008
ddni-openspy.htm      Deputy Spymaster on Open Source Spying           September 13, 2008
cia-openspy.htm       CIA Director on Open Source Spying               September 12, 2008       DNI Open Source Conference Participant List      September 12, 2008 (4.6MB) 
dni-openeye.htm       DNI Open Source Conference Eyeball               September 12, 2008
dni-openeye-biz.htm   DNI Open Source Conference Exhibitors Eyeball    September 12, 2008
ddni090408.htm        Deputy Spymaster Speaks at 2008 INSA Conference  September 6, 2008
ddni090608.htm        Deputy Spymaster on Boosting Spy Time Wasting    September 6, 2008

dni090608.htm         Spy Open Source Innovation Challenge Update      September 6, 2008
dni082808.htm         Spy Open Source Innovation Challenge             August 28, 2008
open-source.htm       DNI Open Source Conference 2008                  August 22, 2008        15,169 Names of OSS Personnel                    August 14, 2008 (990KB)
eo13467.htm           Classified National Security Information         July 2, 2008


OSA Gangs 10          Security and All That Jazz                       May 30, 2011
OSA Gangs 9           National Classification Management Society       May 30, 2011
OSA Gangs 8           Intelligence Community Associations Network      May 30, 2011
OSA Gangs 7           NISPPAC Industry Security Members                May 30, 2011
OSA Gangs 6           National Industrial Security Advisory Committee  May 30, 2011

OSA Gangs 5           Association of Former Spies                      May 30, 2011
OSA Gangs 4           Official Secrets Associations Network            May 30, 2011
OSA Gangs 3           Centre for Counterintelligence                   May 30, 2011
OSA Gangs 2           Center for Security and International Studies    May 30, 2011
OSA Gangs 1           Science Applications International Corp          May 30, 2011