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24 December 2002: See two other TEMPEST deficiency reports from this dossier:
23 December 2002
This describes TEMPEST deficiencies in a US Army crypto facility. The US Army regulation cited below, AR 381-14, Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM), remains classified Secret.
In response to an FOIA request the National Security Agency released to Cryptome several declassifed TEMPEST documents:
Source: FOIA material received from the US Army Intelligence and Security Command, November 25, 2002. Excerpted from Dossier ZG000495W, Corps Communication Center, pages 24-27.
[3 pages.]
REGRADED UNCLASSIFIED ON MAR 20 1998 BY CDR USAINSCOM FOIAP AUTH PARAS 1-603 DoD5200 1RCONFIDENTIALDEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY STUTTGART STATION 66TH MILITARY INTELLIGENCE GROUP APO 09154 REPORT OF COUNTERINTELLIGENCE TECHNICAL SERVICES OF 34TH SIGNAL BATTALION APO NEW YORK 09154 DEC 10 1970 AEUTMI-O-Q-I&S(CI) Commanding Officer, 34th Signal Battalion, ATTN: S2, APO 09154 Commanding General, VII Corps, ATTN: AETSGB-CI, APO 09107 Commander-in-Chief, USAREUR and Seventh Army, ATTN: AP ASB-CI(GS), APO 09403 Commanding Officer, 66th Military Intlligence Group, ATTN: ABUT I-GA-CI APO 09108 Section I. INTRODUCTION 1. (U) A counterintelligence technical survey was conducted on 23 November 1970, on the Crypto Facility of the 34th Signal Battalion by the following representatives of Stuttgart Station, 66th MI Group, APO 09154: [Redacted] Special Agent {Redacted] Special Agent 2. (U) The serviced area was considered by the requestor to be a secondary sensitive area as defined in AR 381-14(Clas). A description contained in EXHIBIT I [exhibits not provided]. 3. (U) An examination of the records regarding previous counterintel- ligence technical services in the area revealed that there is no record of a previous technical service. Section II SCOPE 4. (C)(U) The scope of this technical service is outlined in EXHIBIT II. Section III LIMITATIONS 5. (C)(U) The limitations of this services are outlined in EXHIBIT II. 6. (C)(U) Repeated or uncorrected findings: None. 7. (C)(U) a. The service did not locate or indicate the presence of technical surveillance devices. b. The serviced area does not meet the criteria for a secondary sensitive area as defined in AR 381-14 and is not considered secure for the discussion of sensitive classified information until correctiive ac- tion is taken on the following technical security hazards: (1) Finding: The walls of the following area are passing audio and audio vibrations from the inspected area. (AR 381-14 (Clas), para 10.b.(1). (a) Room #1 Adminstration Room, East, West and North walls. (b) Room #2 Storage Room, East and West walls. (c) Room #3 Maintenance Shop, East, West and South walls. Recommendation: Adequate sound proofing to provide a minimum sound attenuation of 45 Noise Reduction Coefficient and Sound Transmission Class in accordance with American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) test method C423, should be installed. (2) Finding: The window of the west wall of Room #1 is passing audio and audio vibrations from the inspected area. (AR 381-14 (Clas) para 10.b.(1). Recommendation: This window should be permanently sealed with a sound proofing material, such as concrete or covered with sound proofing drapes. (3) Finding: The entrance door of Room #1 is passing audio and audio vibrations from the inspected area. (AR 381-14 (Clas), para 10.b.(1). Recommenation: The interior of the door should be covered with a sound proofing material, such as acoustical tile, or sound proofing drapes. (4) Finding: The radiator and pipes in Room #3 are passing audio and audio vibrations from the inspected area. (AR 381-14 (Clas) 10.b(2). Recommendation: Ther adiator should be enclosed in a louvered cabinet constructed of sound absorbant material. The pipes should be covered with a sound absorbant material and secured at the inner wall openings to minimize acoustical leakage. Section V COMMENTS 8. (U) The unit commander is reminded that USAREUR Regulation 380-85, Paragraph 12e, requires that this report be indorsed through command channels to CINCUSAREUR, ATTN: AEAGB-CI(GS), with a list of cor- rective action and/or commanders comments for each recommendation made on this report. Section VI EXIT BRIEFING 9. (C)(U) All findings, recommendations, and limitations of the service areas were discussed during an exit briefing on 23 November 1970, for the following unit representatives: Grisham, James, E.O. S2 Comsec Officer [Signature] DON J. DRISSEL GS-11 Operations Officer