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ssl-mitm.pdf          Defeating Gov Interception Attacks Against SSL   March 24, 2010 (645KB)
travelers-spy.pdf     Travelers Express Lawful Spying Guide            March 24, 2010 (272KB)

moneygram-spy.pdf     Moneygram Lawful Spying Guide                    March 23, 2010 (469KB)
probing-secrets.htm   The Press Inchoate Liability for Newsgathering   March 23, 2010
your-privacy-spy.pdf  Your Privacy Is Important To Us Except           March 22, 2010
will-not-spy.pdf      Will Not Reveal Your Personal Information Except March 22, 2010
cannot-id-spy.pdf     Cannot Personally Identify You Except            March 22, 2010

take-privacy-spy.pdf  Take Your Privacy Very Seriously Except          March 22, 2010
collect-no-spy.pdf    Collect No Personal Information About You Except March 22, 2010
fcc032210.htm         Telephone Consumer Protection                    March 22, 2010
treas032210.htm       Interagency Statement on Funding-Liquidity Risk  March 22, 2010
atbcb032210.htm       Electronic and Info Tech Accessibility Standards March 22, 2010

ibm-coprocess-spy.pdf IBM Coprocessor Collaborative Spying             March 21, 2010
us-interpol-spy.pdf   US Interpol Collaborative Spying                 March 21, 2010
af-soic-2010.pdf      AF Stability Operations Information Center FOUO  March 21, 2010 (318KB)
caida-spy.pdf         Promotion of Internet Data Spying                March 20, 2010 (573KB) Tech Manual AN/GYK-55 Crypto Device FOUO         March 20, 2010 (7.3MB)

1TL32-6228-1.pdf      Tech Manual Fuel Pressurization Calibration FOUO March 20, 2010       Margie Schoedinger Court Documents               March 20, 2010 (3MB) 
dodd-5111-12e.pdf(ok) WHINSEC Assassination School Continued           March 20, 2010
gao-10-355.pdf        IRS Information Security SNAFU                   March 19, 2010
gao-10-537t.pdf       Freedom of Information ACT SNAFU                 March 19, 2010

trofile-spy.pdf       Trofile HIV Assay Lawful Spying Guide            March 19, 2010
dr-medwid-spy.pdf     Dr Medwid Dental Spa Lawful Spying Guide         March 19, 2010
abraxas-spy.pdf       Abraxas Applications Lawful Spying Guide         March 19, 2010
winnebago-spy.pdf     Winnebago Industries Lawful Spying Guide         March 19, 2010
nc4-spy.pdf           NC4 Lawful Spying Guide                          March 19, 2010

teach-me-le-spy.pdf   Teach Me Law Enforcement Lawful Spying Guide     March 19, 2010
idv-spy.pdf           International Data Vault Lawful Spying Guide     March 19, 2010
dhs-web-spy2.htm      Coast Guard Denies a DHS-Wide Web-Spy Takedown   March 19, 2010
israel-police4.htm    Israel Police Photos 4                           March 19, 2010
ispab031910.htm       InfoSec and Privacy Panel Meet                   March 19, 2010


O f f s i t e 

MC Spooks 13          Monaco Spying Service 13                         March 24, 2010

MC Spooks 12          Monaco Spying Service 12                         March 23, 2010
MC Spooks 11          Monaco Spying Service 11                         March 21, 2010
Prez Comms            Prez Cannonball Communications Tower Facilities  March 20, 2010
Secrets               A Secret Landscape                               March 20, 2010
MC Spooks 10          Monaco Spying Service 10                         March 19, 2010

Cyber Con             Cyberthreat Cult Chief Admits Threat Inflated    March 18, 2010
FTC Pry               FTC Hears Debate About Privacy Polices           March 18, 2010
NYT Wiki              NY Times Muckrakes Wikileaks and US Army         March 18, 2010
NSA Log               NSA FOIA log for Calendar Year 2008              March 18, 2010
CIA Video             CIA’s European Secrets: Clandestine prisons      March 18, 2010


Christopher Soghoian sends:

I have a new paper out today. Would you please mirror the attached pdf?

I highly recommend that you at least skim over the last two pages in the pdf, which are marketing materials from an actual network surveillance product. Quite interesting/scary.

The abstract:

This paper introduces a new attack, the compelled certificate creation attack, in which government agencies compel a certificate authority to issue false SSL certificates that are then used by intelligence agencies to covertly intercept and hijack individuals' secure Web-based communications. We reveal alarming evidence that suggests that this attack is in active use. Finally, we introduce a lightweight browser add-on that detects and thwarts such attacks.

The first paragraph describing the threat:

A pro-democracy dissident in China connects to a secure web forum hosted on servers outside the country. Relying on the training she received from foreign human rights groups, she makes certain to look for the SSL encryption lock icon in her web browser, and only after determining that the connection is secure does she enter her login credentials and then begin to upload materials to be shared with her colleagues. However, unknown to the activist, the Chinese government is able to covertly intercept SSL encrypted connections. Agents from the state security apparatus soon arrive at her residence, leading to her arrest, detention and violent interrogation. While this scenario is fictitious, the vulnerability is not.

A sends:

Finally, we can see it for ourselves .... the full text of the 18 January 2010 ACTA draft has leaked and is making its way around the Net. Interesting to see the various country comments sprinkled throughout. Should be interesting reading! (15MB)


24 March 2010

11 September 2001, Afternoon -- Approaching WTC from Above Governor's Island.
New York Police Department photos via National Institute of Standards and Technology FOIA release of 3,160 records, March 2010.















6 March, 2010

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To support Cryptome use means other than PayPal.

Mail: John Young, Cryptome, 251 West 89th Street, New York, NY 10024
Cash (from any nation); Checks/Money Orders: Make out to "John Young"

Military Casualties Iraq Civilian Dead Wounded Care War Contracts

G20-Brief.ppt G20 Security Brief Law Enforcement Sensitive March 19, 2010 (1.5MB) dni-foia-lies.pdf Spymaster Same Old Lies About FOIA Compliance March 19, 2010 secnav-8120-1.pdf Navy Nuclear Weapons Responsibilities March 18, 2010 gao-10-500t.pdf Mil Intel Surveil Recon SNAFU March 18, 2010 wtc031710-01.jpg WTC Construction Still Hiding 17 March 2010 March 18, 2010 (754kb) gsa031810.htm Plum Island Animal Disease Center Sale EIS March 18, 2010 hts-jieddo.htm Linking JIEDDO to US Death Squads March 17, 2010 ncppcc031710.htm Spying on Helpers of the Vulnerable March 17, 2010 dhs031610.htm DHS Hides Spying Data from Privacy Law March 17, 2010 eo13534.htm Obama Sets Export Initiative March 17, 2010 tsa031610.htm TSA Demands Aircraft Operator Security Data March 17, 2010 israel-police3.htm Israel Police Photos 3 March 16, 2010 cryptome-sar.htm Cryptome Falsely Accused - PayPal Un-Apologizes March 16, 2010 steptoe-spy.pdf Steptoe & Johnson Lawful Spying Legal Counsel March 15, 2010 covington-spy.pdf Covington & Burling Lawful Spying Legal Counsel March 15, 2010 dni-spy.pdf Masterspy Laughable Spying Guide March 15, 2010 cia-spy.pdf Central Intelligence Agency Lawful Spying Guide March 15, 2010 nsa-spy.pdf National Security Agency Lawful Spying Guide March 15, 2010 att-spy.pdf ATT Lawful Spying Guide March 15, 2010 bt-spy.pdf British Telecom Lawful Spying Guide March 15, 2010 ebay-paypal-spy.pdf Ebay-PayPal Lawful Spying Guide March 15, 2010 israel-police2.htm Israel Police Photos 2 March 14, 2010 greece-police2.htm Greece Police Photos 2 March 14, 2010 wtc-nist-wtc7-no.pdf NIST Denies Access to WTC 7 Collapse Data March 14, 2010 google-spy.pdf Google Lawful Spying Guide March 13, 2010 whitehouse-spy.pdf White House Lawful Spying Guide March 13, 2010 frb-spy.pdf Federal Reserve Board Lawful Spying Guide March 13, 2010 jpmorgan-spy.pdf JP Morgan Lawful Spying Guide March 13, 2010 jpmorgan-code-spy.pdf JP Morgan Code of Spying Guide March 13, 2010 gs-spy.pdf Goldman Sachs Lawful Spying Guide March 13, 2010 ibm-spy.pdf IBM Lawful Spying Guide March 13, 2010 verint-spy.pdf Verint Lawful Spying Guide March 13, 2010 (ok) Juniper Lawful Spying Guide March 13, 2010 (1.6MB) 52 Photos of World Trade Center 7 Collapse March 13, 2010 (37MB) obama-protect25.htm Obama Protection 25 March 12, 2009 wtc-punch.htm Aircraft Wheel Punches Out a Wall of WTC Tower March 11, 2010 Navy Critical Infrastructure Program March 10, 2010 (1.1MB) ee-net-censor.htm Estonia Joins Countries Censoring the Internet March 10, 2010 30 Photos of Body Parts Ejected from WTC 9/11 March 10, 2010 (29MB) nsa-inman-1979.pdf NSA Perspective on Telecom Protection 1979 FOIA March 9, 2010 (2.5MB) 153 NYPD WTC Collapse Photos 11 September 2001 March 9, 2010 (64MB) National Security Case Studies March 9, 2010 (3.4MB) dni120309.pdf Spy Applicant/Employee Ancestry and Ethnicity March 9, 2010 treas030810.htm US Allows Internet Spy Tech Export to Rogues March 9, 2010 crypto-free.htm International Cryptography Freedom March 9, 2010 phmsa030910.htm TSA HazMat Transport Security Plans March 9, 2010 dhs030910.htm DHS Hides Records of Black Hole Targets March 9, 2010 gao-10-351r.pdf Long Island Railroad Disability SNAFU March 8, 2010 internet-spy-all.pdf McKinsey Report: The Internet of Things March 8, 2010 greece-police.htm Greece Police Photos 1 March 7, 2010 Dept of Commerce vs Terrorism and Espionage March 7, 2010 (4.7MB) AMERITHRAX: Infiltration of US Biodefense? March 6, 2010 (1.4MB) dodd-5505-13e.pdf DoD Cyber Crime Center (DC3) March 6, 2010 Dept of Commerce Manual of Security March 6, 2010 (1.6MB) gao-10-338.pdf Cybersecurity National Initiative SNAFU March 6, 2010 (763KB) spy-call.htm Why Not Call Spying Spying March 3, 2010 earthlink-spy.pdf Earthlink Lawful Spying Guide March 3, 2010 earthlink-dmca.pdf Earthlink DMCA Spying Guide March 3, 2010 netsol-spy.pdf Network Solutions Lawful Spying Guide March 3, 2010 (1MB) time-warner-spy.pdf Time Warner Lawful Spying Guide March 3, 2010 cnci-030210.pdf White House Cybersecurity Comedy Declassified March 2, 2010 Accession of Israel to the OECD-Confidential March 2, 2010 (7.3MB) dhs021910.pdf Computer Network Security & Privacy Protection March 2, 2010 doe030110.htm Los Alamos Plutonium Lab Seismic Hazard Report March 2, 2010 al-jazirah-hits.htm Al-Jazirah TV Accused in Assassinations-Arrests March 2, 2010 O f f s i t e MC Spooks 9 Monaco Spying Service 9 March 17, 2010 PACER Greater Public Access to Court Documents March 16, 2010 MC Spooks 8 Monaco Spying Service 8 March 15, 2010 WL Plot US Intelligence planned to destroy WikiLeaks March 15, 2010 AAG Cryptome et al: Security after the war on terror March 15, 2010 VAFB Eyeballing Vandenberg AFB Missile Site March 15, 2010 3 Yarp Sibel Edmonds Peter Collins John Young Talk March 14, 2010 MC Spooks 7 Monaco Spying Service 7 March 14, 2010 Crypto List New mailing list for cryptography discussion March 12, 2010 NSA Patent Removing noise and interference from signal March 11, 2010 NSA Patent Code generation that minimizes error propagation March 11, 2010 SCIF SCIF Drywall Construction Product March 11, 2010 MC Spooks 6 Monaco Spying Service 6 March 11, 2010 Spy Bait Virtual Spy Job Data Gathering March 9, 2010 MC Spooks 5 Monaco Spying Service 5 March 9, 2010 Spy Grub How Journalists and Spies Moneygrub March 7, 2010 MC Spooks 4 Monaco Spying Service 4 March 6, 2010 Who Spy Lawful Spying ISPs and Telcos 2005 March 3, 2010 MC Spooks 3 Monaco Spying Service 3 March 3, 2010 MC Spooks 2 Monaco Spying Service 2 March 1, 2010

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