16 April 2004. Thanks to A. More on Sam Rosenfeld's legal action against the Ministry of Defence and its murderous Force Research Unit for which he was a secret agent in Northern Ireland: http://cryptome.org/fru-claimant2.htm Sam Rosenfeld has fled the UK for political asylum in the United States: http://cryptome.org/fru-asylum.htm
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2004 11:54:37 -0400 Hi David, Further to our conversation of this morning: as I stated, I have always been ready to resolve these matters but clearly it is your client [UK Ministry of Defence] that is preventing closure. All I have ever required is that your client provide me with information regarding my daughter's death and the events of 1993. But your client's claim that it involves national security is not and will never be accepted. I would say its more a case of national embarrassment than national security. Your client's crimes of murder and the direction of terrorism need to be exposed, and as a journalist its my duty to expose the states wrong doings . And that is what I will do even if it costs me my life and liberty. Your client's actions in Northern Ireland bring shame and dishonor on both our country and our people. The fact that your client has chosen national security over the value of human life is disgusting. How is this compatible with our nation's international position as a bastion of human-rights? I feel deeply hurt and now embittered that yet again I have been forced to leave my beloved England because your client refuses to tell the truth. I can assure you that I will always tell the truth. And when I do get my chance to speak before an open court of law, I'll tell all. As such, I am now in the process of commencing further legal action against your client and others. I will no longer suffer as I have done for the last 10 years as a result of the MoD's actions. If you think you've had a problem up to now, be warned you've got a fight coming and no matter what you do I'm going to fight even if it costs me my life. Going by your client's past criminality, it in all probability will. I'm going to tear down the wall of secrecy that surrounds the FRU, and as a journalisrt I'm going to expose the British states complicity in murder. Regards Sam Rosenfeld Fax: 1-(270) 897 1446