17 October 2010 Corey "Xyrix" Barnhill, Michael "Virus" Nieves, Justin "Null" Perras and Joshua "Trainreq" Hollis Linked
Previous: thug-mugshots.htm "Xyrix" "Virus" "Null" Hacker-Thug Mug Shots October 14, 2010 cryptome-offer.htm Cryptome Offer to Hackers and Wired October 11, 2010 cryptome-nobreach.htm Cryptome Not "Breached" October 11, 2010 perras-hacknot.htm "Justin Perras" Disavows Cryptome Hack Update October 10, 2010 cryptome-hack4.htm Cryptome Hackers and Consequences Update October 9, 2010 cryptome-hack3.htm Cryptome Hack 3 Updated October 8, 2010 wired-crime.htm Wired Complicit in Federal Crimes by Hacker October 5, 2010
A DigitalGangster thread, titled "hardcore gangster thug pictures of xyrix," has 460 messages from 6 March to 21 June 2010. In the 21 June 2010 entry below Corey "Xyrix" Barnhill (below and at left in second photo) describes beating Michael "Virus" Nieves, says Virus discussed it with Justin "Null" Perras and that Virus told Joshua "Trainreq" Hollis a false account. Thus the four alleged participants in the Cryptome hack of 2 October 2010 are linked. Trainreq was the first blamed in the home page defacement for the hack as punishment by the suspected hacker-thugs, Xyrix, Virus and Null, probably led by the thug Xyrix.
Xyrix, center below. In the thuggish hacker world impersonation of another in accusations and attacks is common to punish an enemy who may become a cohort in other crimes. Ridicule, lies and braggardy on the prison-like forums are normal. Because all hacker forums are surveilled by law enforcement and their snitches participate as posters, the posters create smoke, false leads, and then snitch IRL. Some preen to become paid informants, nicknamed pig-kissers, which carries no stigma in hacker world, indeed is considered a shrewd way to earn an easy income prostituting in prison or outside. Bragging about being a snitch is also considered a humorous defiance of conventionality.
A number of the hacker forums are allegedly controlled and paid for by law enforcement either by covert arrangement with operators or by threat of prosecution for fostering criminal behavior, not unlike arrangements allegedly with hacker-thug promotional outlets like Wired.