Field Manual 3-34.331 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYING 16 January 2001

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Appendix D

Survey Forms

Surveyors use a variety of forms in the accomplishment of their duties. Table D-1 includes a list of forms (not addressed in this manual) used by surveyors.

Table D-1. Survey Forms




DA Form 1900

Conversion of Mean Time to Sidereal Time

1 February 1957

DA Form 1901

Conversion of Sidereal Time to Mean Time

1 February 1957

DA Form 1902

Conversion of Mean Time to Apparent Time

1 February 1957

DA Form 1903

Azimuth by Direction Method

1 February 1957

DA Form 1905

Azimuth by Hour Angle Method

1 February 1957

DA Form 1907

Azimuth by Altitude Method

1 February 1957

DA Form 1909

Longitude by the Altitude of Stars Near the Prime Vertical

1 October 1964

DA Form 1911

Altitude and Azimuth (Sin-Cos)

1 February 1957

DA Form 1914

Computation of Base Line

1 February 1957

DA Form 1915

Abstract of Levels and Computation of Inclination Corrections

1 February 1957

DA Form 1917

List of Directions

1 February 1957

DA Form 1918

Computation of Triangles

1 February 1957

DA Form 1921

Reduction to Center

1 February 1957

DA Form 1922

Position Computation, _________ Order Triangulation (Logarithmic)

1 October 1964

DA Form 1924

Inverse Position Computation

1 February 1957

DA Form 1925

Quadrilateral Adjustment (Least Squares Method)

1 February 1957

DA Form 1927

Latitude and Longitude Adjustment

1 February 1957

>DA Form 1930

Special Angle Computation

1 February 1957

DA Form 1931

Traverse Computation (Geographic)

1 February 1957

DA Form 1935

Grid Azimuth (t) and Grid Length

1 February 1957

DA Form 1936

List of Directions, UTM Grid

1 February 1957

DA Form 1937

Computation of Triangles (UTM Grid)

1 February 1957

DA Form 1939

Reduction of Taped Distances

1 February 1957

DA Form 1941

Grid and Declination Computations

1 February 1957

DA Form 1944

Computation of Elevations and Refractions From Reciprocal Observations (Logarithmic)

1 February 1957

DA Form 1948

Altimeter Leveling

1 February 1957

DA Form 1949

Corrected Altimeter Readings Prorated According to Time

1 February 1957

DA Form 1953

Universal Polar Stereographic Transformations

1 February 1957

DA Form 1954

Plane Coordinates From Geographic Coordinates on the Transverse Mercator Projection (Calculating Machine Computation)

1 February 1957

DA Form 1955

Geographic Coordinates From Transverse Mercator Grid Coordinates (Calculating Machine Method)

1 February 1957

DA Form 1956

Plane Coordinates From Geographic Coordinates on the Lambert Projection (Calculating Machine Computation)

1 February 1957

DA Form 1957

Geographic Coordinates From Lambert Grid Coordinates (Calculating Machine Computation)

1 February 1957

DA Form 1959

Description or Recovery of Horizontal Control Station

1 October 1964

DA Form 2839

Latitude From Zenith Distance of Polaris

1 October 1964

DA Form 2847

Comparison of Chronometer and Radio Signals

1 October 1964

DA Form 2850

Astronomic Results

1 October 1964

DA Form 2854

Electronic Distance Measurement Summary

1 October 1964

DA Form 2855

Geodimeter (Model 4) Observations and Computations

1 October 1964

DA Form 2856

Field Sheet, Tellurometer Data Entries (MRA3 MK11)

1 October 1964

DA Form 2857

Field Sheet, Micro-Chain Data Entries

1 October 1964

DA Form 4253

Horizontal Direction or Angle Book

June 1974

DA Form 4446

Level, Transit, and General Survey Record

November 1975

DA Form 4648

Station Description Book

September 1977

DA Form 5818-R

General Survey Notes (LRA)

August 1989