Field Manual 3-34.331 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYING 16 January 2001
TOC Chap1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 AppA AppB AppC AppD Gl Bib
Surveyors use a variety of forms in the accomplishment of their duties. Table D-1 includes a list of forms (not addressed in this manual) used by surveyors.
Number |
Title |
Date |
DA Form 1900 |
Conversion of Mean Time to Sidereal Time |
1 February 1957 |
Conversion of Sidereal Time to Mean Time |
1 February 1957 |
Conversion of Mean Time to Apparent Time |
1 February 1957 |
Azimuth by Direction Method |
1 February 1957 |
Azimuth by Hour Angle Method |
1 February 1957 |
Azimuth by Altitude Method |
1 February 1957 |
Longitude by the Altitude of Stars Near the Prime Vertical |
1 October 1964 |
Altitude and Azimuth (Sin-Cos) |
1 February 1957 |
Computation of Base Line |
1 February 1957 |
Abstract of Levels and Computation of Inclination Corrections |
1 February 1957 |
List of Directions |
1 February 1957 |
Computation of Triangles |
1 February 1957 |
Reduction to Center |
1 February 1957 |
Position Computation, _________ Order Triangulation (Logarithmic) |
1 October 1964 |
Inverse Position Computation |
1 February 1957 |
Quadrilateral Adjustment (Least Squares Method) |
1 February 1957 |
Latitude and Longitude Adjustment |
1 February 1957 |
Special Angle Computation |
1 February 1957 |
Traverse Computation (Geographic) |
1 February 1957 |
Grid Azimuth (t) and Grid Length |
1 February 1957 |
List of Directions, UTM Grid |
1 February 1957 |
Computation of Triangles (UTM Grid) |
1 February 1957 |
Reduction of Taped Distances |
1 February 1957 |
Grid and Declination Computations |
1 February 1957 |
Computation of Elevations and Refractions From Reciprocal Observations (Logarithmic) |
1 February 1957 |
Altimeter Leveling |
1 February 1957 |
Corrected Altimeter Readings Prorated According to Time |
1 February 1957 |
Universal Polar Stereographic Transformations |
1 February 1957 |
Plane Coordinates From Geographic Coordinates on the Transverse Mercator Projection (Calculating Machine Computation) |
1 February 1957 |
Geographic Coordinates From Transverse Mercator Grid Coordinates (Calculating Machine Method) |
1 February 1957 |
Plane Coordinates From Geographic Coordinates on the Lambert Projection (Calculating Machine Computation) |
1 February 1957 |
Geographic Coordinates From Lambert Grid Coordinates (Calculating Machine Computation) |
1 February 1957 |
Description or Recovery of Horizontal Control Station |
1 October 1964 |
Latitude From Zenith Distance of Polaris |
1 October 1964 |
Comparison of Chronometer and Radio Signals |
1 October 1964 |
Astronomic Results |
1 October 1964 |
Electronic Distance Measurement Summary |
1 October 1964 |
Geodimeter (Model 4) Observations and Computations |
1 October 1964 |
Field Sheet, Tellurometer Data Entries (MRA3 MK11) |
1 October 1964 |
Field Sheet, Micro-Chain Data Entries |
1 October 1964 |
Horizontal Direction or Angle Book |
June 1974 |
Level, Transit, and General Survey Record |
November 1975 |
Station Description Book |
September 1977 |
General Survey Notes (LRA) |
August 1989 |