Field Manual 3-34.331 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYING 16 January 2001
TOC Chap1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 AppA AppB AppC AppD Gl Bib
AR 115-11. Army Topography. 30 November 1993.
AR 210-20. Master Planning for Army Installations. 30 July 1993.
AR 310-25. Dictionary of United States Army Terms. 15 October 1983.
AR 310-50. Authorized Abbreviations and Brevity Codes. 15 November 1985.
AR 380-5. Department of the Army Information Security Program. 25 February 1988.
AR 385-95. Army Aviation Accident Prevention. 10 December 1999.
AR 405-10. Acquisition of Real Property and Interests Therein. 14 May 1970.
AR 420-90. Fire and Emergency Services. 10 September 1997.
AR 95-1. Flight Regulations. 1 September 1997.
AR 95-2. Air Traffic Control, Airspace, Airfields, Flight Activities, and Navigation Aids. 10 August 1990.
DA Form 1900. Conversion of Mean Time to Sidereal Time. 1 February 1957.
DA Form 1901. Conversion of Sidereal Time to Mean Time. 1 February 1957.
DA Form 1902. Conversion of Mean Time to Apparent Time. 1 February 1957.
DA Form 1903. Azimuth by Direction Method. 1 February 1957.
DA Form 1905. Azimuth by Hour Angle Method. 1 February 1957.
DA Form 1907. Azimuth by Altitude Method. 1 February 1957.
DA Form 1909. Longitude by the Altitude of Stars Near the Prime Vertical. 1 October 1964.
DA Form 1911. Altitude and Azimuth (Sin-Cos). 1 February 1957.
DA Form 1914. Computation of Base Line. 1 February 1957.
DA Form 1915. Abstract of Levels and Computation of Inclination Corrections. 1 February 1957.
DA Form 1916. Abstract of Horizontal Directions. 1 February 1957.
DA Form 1917. List of Directions. 1 February 1957.
DA Form 1918. Computation of Triangles. 1 February 1957.
DA Form 1920. Triangle Computation (for Calculating Machine). 1 February 1957.
DA Form 1921. Reduction to Center. 1 February 1957.
DA Form 1922. Position Computation,
_________ Order Triangulation
Logarithmic). 1 October 1964.
DA Form 1923. Position Computation,
_________ Order Triangulation (for
calculating Machine Computation). 1 February 1957.
DA Form 1924. Inverse Position Computation. 1 February 1957.
DA Form 1925. Quadrilateral Adjustment (Least Squares Method). 1 February 1957.
DA Form 1927. Latitude and Longitude Adjustment. 1 February 1957.
DA Form 1930. Special Angle Computation. 1 February 1957.
DA Form 1931. Traverse Computation (Geographic). 1 February 1957.
DA Form 1932. UTM Grid Coordinates From Geographic Coordinates. 1 February 1957.
DA Form 1933. Geographic Coordinates From UTM Grid Coordinates. 1 February 1957.
DA Form 1934. Grid Azimuths (t and T) and (t-T) Correction From UTM Grid Coordinates. 1 February 1957.
DA Form 1935. Grid Azimuth (t) and Grid Length. 1 February 1957.
DA Form 1936. List of Directions, UTM Grid. 1 February 1957.
DA Form 1937. Computation of Triangles (UTM Grid). 1 February 1957.
DA Form 1938. Position Computation (UTM Grid). 1 February 1957.
DA Form 1939. Reduction of Taped Distances. 1 February 1957.
DA Form 1940. Traverse Computation on the Universal Transverse Mercator Grid. February 1957.
DA Form 1941. Grid and Declination Computations. 1 February 1957.
DA Form 1942. Computation of Levels. 1 February 1957.
DA Form 1943. Abstract of Zenith Distances. 1 February 1957.
DA Form 1944. Computation of Elevations and Refractions From Reciprocal Observations (Logarithmic). 1 February 1957.
DA Form 1945. Computation of Elevations and Refractions From Reciprocal Observations (by Calculating Machine). 1 February 1957.
DA Form 1947. Computation of Elevations From Nonreciprocal Observations (by Calculating Machine). 1 February 1957.
DA Form 1948. Altimeter Leveling. 1 February 1957.
DA Form 1949. Corrected Altimeter Readings Prorated According to Time. 1 February 1957.
DA Form 1953. Universal Polar Stereographic Transformations. 1 February 1957.
DA Form 1954. Plane Coordinates
From Geographic Coordinates on the
Transverse Mercator Projection (Calculating Machine Computation). 1 February
DA Form 1955. Geographic
Coordinates From Transverse Mercator Grid
Coordinates (Calculating Machine Method). 1 February 1957.
DA Form 1956. Plane Coordinates From Geographic Coordinates on the Lambert Projection (Calculating Machine Computation). 1 February 1957.
DA Form 1957. Geographic
Coordinates From Lambert Grid Coordinates
(Calculating Machine Computation). 1 February 1957.
DA Form 1958. Description or Recovery of Benchmark. 1 October 1964.
DA Form 1959. Description or Recovery of Horizontal Control Station. 1 October 1964.
DA Form 1962. Tabulation of Geodetic Data. 1 February 1957.
DA Form 201. Military Personnel Records Jacket, US Army. 1 August 1971.
DA Form 2028. Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms. 1 February 1974.
DA Form 2404. Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet. 1 April 1979.
DA Form 2839. Latitude From Zenith Distance of Polaris. 1 October 1964.
DA Form 2847. Comparison of Chronometer and Radio Signals. 1 October 1964.
DA Form 2850. Astronomic Results. 1 October 1964.
DA Form 2854. Electronic Distance Measurement Summary. 1 October 1964.
DA Form 2855. Geodimeter (Model 4) Observations and Computations. 1 October 1964.
DA Form 2856. Field Sheet, Tellurometer Data Entries (MRA3 MK11). 1 October 1964.
DA Form 2857. Field Sheet, Micro-Chain Data Entries. 1 October 1964.
DA Form 348. Equipment Operator's Qualification Record. 1 October 1964.
DA Form 4253. Horizontal Direction or Angle Book. June 1974.
DA Form 4446. Level, Transit, and General Survey Record. November 1975.
DA Form 4648. Station Description Book. September 1977.
DA Form 4856. Developmental Counseling Form. June 1999.
DA Form 5817-R. Zenith Distance/Vertical Angle (LRA). August 1989.
DA Form 5818-R. General Survey Notes (LRA). August 1989.
DA Form 5819-R. Field Sheet, Infrared (LRA). August 1989.
DA Form 5820-R. Three-Wire Leveling (LRA). August 1989.
DA Form 5821-R. Airfield Compilation Report (LRA). August 1989.
DA Form 5822-R. Precision Approach Radar (GCA) Data (LRA). August 1989.
DA Form 5827-R. Instrument Landing System Data (LRA). August 1989.
DA Pamphlet 25-30. Consolidated Index of Army Publications and Blank Forms. 1 July 2000.
DA Pamphlet 310-35. Index of International Standardization Agreements. 15 December 1978.
DD Form 1351-2. Travel Voucher or Subvoucher. August 1997.
DD Form 1610. Request and Authorization for TDY Travel of DOD Personnel. 1 June 1967.
NOTE: These publications are available from DMS, Fort Belvoir, Virginia 22060-5828.
DMS Form 16-7. Horizontal Directions/Zenith Distances. 7 November 1975.
DMS Form 5820-R. Collimation Check. January 1997.
DMS ST 005. Geometric Geodetic Accuracy Standards and Specifications for Using GPS Relative Positioning Techniques. July 1997.
DMS ST 031. Standards and Specifications for Geodetic Control Networks. July 1997.
DMS ST 032. Specifications to Support Classification, Standards of Accuracy, and Specifications of Geodetic Control Surveys. October 1997.
DMS ST 045. UTM Grid Tables - Clark 1866, Volumes I and II. April 2000.
DMS ST 096. Real-Time Kinematic with TrimMap? Software Training Manual. January 1997.
DMS ST 097. GPSurvey? Software 2.2 Training Manual. January 1997.
DMS ST 648. AISI (Automated Integrated Survey Instrument) Operations. March 1998.
NOTE: These publications are available from the USACE Publication Depot, Attention: CEIM-IM-PD, 2803 52nd Avenue, Hyattsville, Maryland 20781-1102.
EM 1110-1-1002. Survey Markers and Monumentations. 14 September 1990.
EM 1110-1-1003. NAVSTAR Global Positioning System Surveying. 1 August 1996.
EM 1110-1-1005. Topographic Surveying. 31 August 1994.
NOTE: These publications are available from the US Department of Transportation, FAA, 800 Independence Avenue, Southwest, Washington, District of Columbia 20591.
FAA 405. Standards for Aeronautical Surveys and Related Products, Fourth Edition. September 1996.
FAA-7350.5-V. FAA Location Identifiers. February 1989.
FAR-77. Objects Affecting Navigable Airspace. 15 July 1996.
FM 101-5. Staff Organization and Operations. 31 May 1997.
FM 101-5-1. Operational Terms and Graphics. 30 September 1997.
FM 21-26. Map Reading and Land Navigation. 7 May 1993.
FM 21-31. Topographic Symbols. 19 June 1961.
FM 24-1. Signal Support in the Airland Battle. 15 October 1990.
FM 5-105. Topographic Operations. To be published within six months.
FM 5-233. Construction Surveying. 4 January 1985.
FM 5-553. General Drafting. 6 January 1984.
FM 55-10. Movement Control. 9 February 1999.
FM 6-2. Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Field Artillery Survey. 23 September 1993.
Glossary of Mapping, Charting, and Geodetic Terms (Fourth Edition, 1981). Prepared by DMA, Hydrographic/Topographic Center, 6500 Brookes Lane, Washington, District of Columbia 20315. 1981.
NFDD. Prepared by NIMA, Hydrographic/Topographic Center, 6500 Brookes Lane, Washington, DC 20315.
STP 5-82D14-SM-TG. Soldier's Manual and Trainer's Guide: 82D, Topographic Surveyor (Skill Level 1/2/3/4). 3 May 1985.
TM 5-232. Elements of Surveying. 1 June 1971.
TM 5-235. Special Surveys. 18 September 1964.
TM 5-237. Surveying Computer's Manual. 30 October 1964.
TM 5-6675-230-15. Operator's, Organizational, Field and Depot Maintenance Manual: Level, Surveying: Precise Tilting; 3-Level Screws, Electric Illumination, 10-Inch Telescope (Military Model 10-X) with Tripod. 6 June 1962.
TM 5-6675-239-15. Organizational, Direct Support, General Support, and Depot Maintenance Manual Including Repair Parts for Light, Signal, Surveying; 5-Inch Diameter Reflector; Grille Housing; in Carrying Case (Military Design). 15 June 1965.
TM 5-6675-244-15. Organizational, Direct Support, General Support, and Depot Maintenance Manual (Including Repair Parts and Special Tools List); Target Set, Surveying, Circular Level and Optical Plummet in Tribrach with Quick Release Mechanism (Wild Heerbrugg Model T-2). 12 April 1966.
TM 5-6675-298-15. Operator, Organizational, Direct Support, General Support, and Depot Maintenance Manual: Theodolite, Surveying: Directional, 0.002 Mil Graduation with Extension Leg Tripod (Keuffel and Esser Model KE-2 Special). 16 September 1968.
TM 5-6675-306-14. Operator's,
Organizational, Direct Support, and General
Support Maintenance Manual: Theodolite, Directional; 1-Second
Graduation, 5.9-Inch-Long Telescope, Detachable Tribrach with
Accessories and Tripod (Wild Heerbrugg Model T2-74 Deg)., 9-Inch Long Telescope,
Detachable Tribrach with Accessories and Tripod (Wild
Heerbrugg Model T2-74 Deg). 23 July 1975.
TM 5-6675-318-114-1/2. Operator's, Organizational, Direct Support, and General Support Maintenance Manual for Topographic Support System, Survey Section, Model ADC-TSS-6. 3 September 1985.
TM 5-6675-329-13&P-HR.
Hand Receipt Manual Covering Contents of
Components of End Item (COEIs), Basic Issue Items (BII), and Additional Authorizations
List (AAL) for Self-Leveling Surveying Level (Wild
Heerbrugg Model NA 2-80). 9 November 1983.
TM 5-6675-332-10. Operator's
Manual for Automated Integrated Survey
Instrument (AISI) Type I Topographic, Part Number 571146150, Type II Construction,
Part Number 571146152 Operators Manual, Automated Integrated Survey Instrument
(AISI), Type I, Topographic. 30 June 1994.
TM 5-803-7. Civil Engineering Programming: Airfield and Heliport Planning and Design Criteria. 1 April 1999.
TOE 05540LA00. Topographic Planning and Control Team. June 1998.
TOE 05606L000. Headquarters, and Headquarters Company, Engineer Battalion (Topographic) Theater Army. June 1998.
TOE 05607L0. Engineer Company (Topographic) (EAC), Engineer Battalion (Topographic). 1998.
TOE 05608L0000. Engineer Company (Topographic) (Corps). June 1998.