updated 26 november 1999


Research ....Walden Supermax ....Links

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Assignment 1
Issue date: �
8 September 1999

Ways of looking, seeing, knowing:
Darwin and�Thoreau survey Nature and the nature of prison

Pinup date: 2PM, Monday, 13 September 1999


Spatial ideas of landscape and prison represented in Darwin's and Thoreau 's texts are framed by, in the case of �the former -- the�empire's gaze, in the latter, an individualist's politics.

Prepare superimposed mappings of spatial conditions and relationships projected off the map legends encoded within the authors' narratives. Include text excerpts as keys and legends within the iconic and linguistic marking schemes of your cartographic space.


  Charles Darwin (1809-1882)
MAP Beagle Voyage�

Voyage of the Beagle (1831-1836):
excerpt from ChapterXXIII - Retrospect on our Voyage
excerpt from ChapterXXI - Australia: State of Society
Admiralty Instructions for the Beagle Voyage (1831)
[From Vol. 2, of Captain Robert FitzRoy's Narrative of the surveying voyage of HMS Adventure and Beagle, London, 1839]
  Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)
MAP Thoreau's survey of Walden Pond


excerpt from Walden (1854), Chapter 5: Solitude
Civil Disobedience (1849) Part 1, �Part 2