updated 26 november 1999


Research ....Walden Supermax ....Links

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7v  

Assignment 4
Issue date:
27 September 1999

SITE "X": X-texts
Pinup date: 2PM, Wednesday, 29 September 1999


Site "X"

Go to team X-Texts

1. �Following in the tradition of field journals constructed by�Charles Darwin and Henry David Thoreau �-- where we have found�powerful word maps tracing ideas about�"Nature" --� you are to write a textual narrative (250+ words) documenting your discoveries, observations, speculations about the nature of �SITE "X".

2. �Prepare drawings/models that explore implications of relocating to the landscape of SITE "X" the ideas you investigated during �Assignments 1-3 .