updated 26 november 1999


Research ....Walden Supermax ....Links

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7  

Assignment 3
Issue date:
17 September 1999

Neo-Panopticon: new-technologies in the surveillance landscape
Pinup date: 2PM, Thursday, 23 September 1999
(revised due�date: 2PM, Monday, 27 September)�


Assignment 1 examined ideas of landscape and prison space constructed within Darwin's (imperial) and Thoreau's (individualist) surveys and visions of Nature.

Assignment 2 explored relationships between�landscape and the Panopticon apparatus by mapping Bentham's machine onto spaces of Darwin's and Thoreau's landscapes / prisons.

Assignment 3 invites you to further develop your speculations about Panopticon landscape by including new-technologies within its apparatuses of discipline and surveillance.

Inside the new high-tech lock-downs Complete Article
by Jim Rendon Salon Magazine � www.salonmagazine.com