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Cryptome Africa Series

Under compilation

2015-1236.pdf         Kenya Drug Trafficking Probes Stymied            March 12, 2015 (3.3MB)

2014-1685.pdf         Kenya's Death Squads (via) (ref)                 December 8, 2014 (2.4MB)
2014-1534.htm         Tanzania may not get a good deal for gas         November 5, 2014
2014-1485.pdf         Ahmed Khatallah Amended Complaint (Benghazi)     October 21, 2014
2014-1475.pdf         AFRICOM Reporting Instructions                   October 19, 2014
2014-0512.htm         CIA-DoD Chabelly Djibouti Drone Base             March 30, 2014

us-nile-basin.doc     US Moves into the Nile Basin                     November 9, 2011

gw-narcostate.htm     Guinea Bissau Is Africa’s First Narcostate       June 25, 2010

cjtf-hoa.htm          Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa Eyeball August 21, 2008

Start 23

cia-iraq-niger.htm    CIA 1980 Report on Iraq-Niger Uranium Purchase   November 24, 2007
mcc080307.htm         US Bribes Kingdom of Lesotho                     August 4, 2007

dos071306.htm         Libya Again a US Bribe and Spy Source            July 13, 2006
eo13400.htm           Prez Blocks Property re Darfur Region Conflict   May 1, 2006
un-boa.htm            United Nations' Role in DRC                      May 1, 2006
zpr-targets.htm       Zimbabwe Popular Resistance Targets Officials    April 16, 2006
kagame-hitler.htm     Paul Kagame - African Hitler                     April 16, 2006

kanambe-kagame.htm    DRC Josef Kanambe Confidant of Paul Kagame       April 16, 2006
za-zim.htm            South Africa and Zimbabwe Set Mil-Intel Pact     November 19, 2005
bis111605.txt         Exports to Libya Eased                           November 17, 2005
dos082205.txt         Clean Diamond Trade Participants                 August 23, 2005
mi6-list2.htm         MI6 Officers Worldwide (Asia, Africa, Australia) August 21, 2005

bis021805.txt         Export of Communication Devices to Sudan         February 18, 2005
gold-curse.htm        The Curse of Gold                                June 11, 2005
fac121704.txt         Information Choke Eased for Cuba, Sudan, Iran    December 17, 2004
dos120604.txt         Jam'at al Tawhid wa'al-Jihad a/k/a 20 Others     December 6, 2004
eo13357.txt           Executive Order on Libya Makeover                September 22, 2004

congo-kill.htm        Slow-Motion Holocaust in the Congo               August 9, 2004
nuradin-abdi.htm      Nuradin Abdi Charged in Mall Bomb Plot           June 15, 2004
dos043004.txt         Clean Diamonds Participants                      April 30, 2004
bis042904-2.txt       Exports to Libya Reopened                        April 29, 2004
mandela-cbw.htm       Mandela CBW Briefing Document (Top Secret)       April 22, 2004

dos030804.txt         Travel to Libya Restrictions Lifted              March 9, 2004
niger-docs3.htm       More Niger Uranium Documents                     October 22, 2003
dos091003.txt         Clean Diamonds Cartel                            September 10, 2003
za-crypto.htm         South African Regulation of Encryption           August 12, 2003
fac080403.txt         Rough Diamonds Control Regulations               August 4, 2003

[10 Shayler docs following pertain to UK Qadahfi-assassination plot]

shayler-dis.htm       Regina v. Shayler - Court of Appeal Dismissal    August 3, 2003

niger-docs2.htm       More Images of Forged Nigerien Documents         July 27, 2003
niger-docs.htm        Update: Images of 8 Forged Nigerien Uranium Docs July 21, 2003
fincen051903.txt      Sudan Hammered for Crony Capitalism              May 20, 2003
za-cb-wmd.htm         South Africa's Chemical and Biological WMDs      February 5, 2003
steen-v-hmg2.htm      HMG Wins Appeal in Steen/Punch/Shayler Case      December 14, 2002

r-v-bright.htm        R v. Martin Bright: HMG Censors Shayler Article  November 14, 2002
r-v-shayler.htm       R v. David Shayler - Public Immunity Certificate November 9, 2002
mi5-saddam.htm        MI5 Saddams Shayler                              October 26, 2002
uk-gag.htm            UK Bans News of MI Assassination Plots           October 16, 2002
ao-cu-sigint.htm      Angolan-Cuban SIGINT Update                      July 31, 2002

ao-cu-sigint.htm      Angolan/Cuban Signals Intelligence 1987-1988     July 20, 2002
echelon2-arch.htm     Meet the Architect for Echelon II                May 21, 2002
hmg-v-shayler4.htm    Court Judgement in Regina v. Shayler             March 22, 2002
hmg-v-shayler3.htm    David Shayler Loses Appeal on Public Secrets     March 22, 2002
dirt-safrica.htm      DIRT and South Africa                            March 21, 2002

shayler-gaddafi.htm   David Shayler on MI6 Kill Gaddafi Coverup        November 11, 2001
za-disrupt.htm        Secret South African Disruption                  October 28, 2001
usa-v-ubl-dkt2.txt    USA v Bin Laden Docket to 23 October 2001        October 25, 2001
usa-v-ubl-78.htm      USA v Bin Laden Sentencing Hearing Today         October 18, 2001
usa-v-ubl-dkt.txt     USA v Bin Laden Trial Docket (670KB)             October 18, 2001

za-mthembu.txt        Secret Hearing on ZA/NIA's Gabriel Mthembu       October 10, 2001
uk-bin-laden.htm      UK Foreign Office Evidence Against Bin Laden     October 5, 2001
za-sap.htm            Secret South African Hearing on Security Police  October 4, 2001
shayler-v-coa.htm     David Shayler Appeal Dismissed                   September 29, 2001
za-hamas.htm          South African Intelligence Report on Hamas       September 24, 2001

us-africa-wm.htm      US (Under)mining of Africa                       September 3, 2001
za-esnoop2.htm        South African Interception and Monitoring Bill   August 2, 2001
anc-manual.htm        ANC Manual for Covert Actions                    July 25, 2001
usa-v-ubl-dt.htm      Transcripts of the USA v bin Laden trial         February 5, 2001
usa-v-mohamed.htm     Ali Mohamed Guilty Plea in US Embassies Bombings October 24, 2000

usa-v-salim.htm       Mamdouh Salim Hearing, US Embassies Bombing Case October 24, 2000           14 GIFs of MI5 Libyan Intelligence Report (2.9M) May 13, 2000           14 JPGs of MI5 Libyan Intelligence Report (2.2M) May 13, 2000
mi5-lis-uk.htm        Libyan Intelligence Service Activity in the UK   May 13, 2000
mi5-verio.htm         British Intelligence Request to Remove Document  April 26, 2000

mi5-lis-nt.htm        HMG Targets Internet Over New Libya Document     April 25, 2000
mi5-lis-ti.htm        Shayler Targeted for New Libya Leak              April 25, 2000
mi5-lis-uk.htm        Libyan Intelligence Service Activity in the UK   April 14, 2000
qadahfi-mi6.htm       MI6 Officers in Qadahfi Murder Plot Revealed     March 11, 2000
za-esnoop.htm         South Africa On Electronic Surveillance (368K)   December 14, 1998