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Cryptome Archive 1996-Present


aba-04-0318.pdf       Bankers Knock PATRIOT Act as Knee-Jerk SNAFU     December 31, 2010
phill-04-0713.pdf     Scott Phillpott on Atta AlQ Link by Able Danger  December 31, 2010
verizon-04-0225.pdf   Verizon Response to 9-11 9-11 Commish Interview  December 31, 2010 (638KB)
dia-03-0929.pdf       DIA Rick Boyd DND Canada 9-11 Commish Interview  December 31, 2010 (638KB)

dia-03-1003.pdf       DIA FBI JTTF Miami 9-11 Commish Interview        December 31, 2010 (739KB)
usaf-03-1202.pdf      USAF Schaeffer JS J2 9-11 Commish Interview      December 31, 2010 (668KB)
cia-04-0621.pdf       CIA David Cohen DDO 9-11 Commish Interview       December 31, 2010 (869KB)
dea-csos.pdf          DEA Controlled Substance Ordering System FOUO    December 30, 2010
wikileaks-rip.htm     Wikileaks Rest In Peace                          December 29, 2010

great-secret.pdf      Surveillance and Censorship in UK and EU         December 29, 2010
cia-03-1229.pdf       CIA Terrorism Reports 9-11 Commish Interview     December 28, 2010 (854KB)
cia-03-1204.pdf       CIA Counterterrorism 9-11 Commish Interview      December 28, 2010 971KB)
cia-03-1125.pdf       CIA Winston Wiley CTC 9-11 Commish Interview     December 28, 2010 (1.2MB)
cia-03-0905.pdf       CIA John Helgerson IG 9-11 Commish Interview     December 28, 2010 (620KB)

cia-03-0905-2.pdf     CIA Director of HR 9-11 Commish Interview        December 28, 2010 (592KB) 
cia-03-0902.pdf       CIA Bruce Berkowitz 9-11 Commish Interview       December 28, 2010 (724KB)
nsa-04-unk.pdf        NSA Chief Counterintel 9-11 Commish Interview    December 28, 2010 (607KB)
nsa-04-0519.pdf       NSA SIGINT Collection 9-11 Commish Interview     December 28, 2010 (1.2MB)
nsa-04-0121.pdf       NSA William Black DDIR 9-11 Commish Interview    December 28, 2010 (984KB)

nsa-04-0109.pdf       NSA Rep to FBI 9-11 Commish Interview            December 28, 2010 (709KB)
nsa-03-1215.pdf       NSA Barbara McNamara DDO 9-11 Commish Interview  December 28, 2010 (1.2MB)
nsa-03-1210.pdf       NSA Rich Taylor DDO 9-11 Commish Interview       December 28, 2010 (1.5MB)
nsa-03-1209.pdf       NSA William Crowell DDIR 9-11 Commish Interview  December 28, 2010 (1.2MB)
nsa-03-1107.pdf       NSA SIGINT National Intel 9-11 Commish Interview December 28, 2010 (766KB)
nsa-03-1107-2.pdf     NSA William Crumm SIGINT 9-11 Commish Interview  December 28, 2010 (848KB)
nsa-03-1106.pdf       NSA SIGINT Liaison 9-11 Commish Interview        December 28, 2010 (929KB)
state-03-0922.pdf     State Dept Stapelton Roy 9-11 Commish Interview  December 28, 2010 (944KB)
wh-76-0518.pdf        White House Meeting Ford d'Estaing Kissinger     December 28, 2010 (1.1MB)
wh-73-1212.pdf        White House Meeting Dinitz Shaleve Scowcroft     December 28, 2010 (1.6MB)

nsa-grsoc.htm         NSA Georgia Regional Security Operations Center  December 27, 2010
obama-hi.htm          Obama Protection Christmas in Hawaii 2010        December 26, 2010
bnd-central.htm       New German Spy Headquarters Eyeball              December 26, 2010
il-google-api.htm     Israel Google Maps API for Flash                 December 26, 2010
wikileaks-gest.htm    Wikileaks in Gestation 2001                      December 25, 2010

cia-spain.pdf         CIA: US Spies v. US Ambassador to Spain (1943)   December 25, 2010 (1MB)
uk-banks-gag.htm      UK Bankers Try Gag of Student's Research         December 25, 2010
nw-council.pdf        Megadeath Nuclear Weapons Council                December 25, 2010
nw-effects.pdf        Megadeath Nuclear Weapons Effects                December 25, 2010
nw-survive.pdf        Megadeath Nuclear Weapons Effects Survivabilty   December 25, 2010

nw-info.pdf           Megadeath Nuclear Weapons Info Classification    December 25, 2010
doe-452-z.pdf         Control of Megadeath Nuclear Weapons Data        December 25, 2010
cnwdi.pdf             Control of Megadeath Nuclear Weapons Design Info December 25, 2010
dodd-5100-01.pdf      Functions of the Department of Defense           December 25, 2010
uswtr-loa.pdf         Undersea Warfare Training Range                  December 24, 2010 (3MB)

cia-shorthand.pdf     CIA: The Shorthand of Experience                 December 24, 2010 (1.4MB)
cia-hypnotism1.pdf    CIA: The Military Application of Hypnotism       December 24, 2010
cia-hypnotism2.pdf    CIA: Hypnotism and Covert Operations             December 24, 2010
dnfsb122710.pdf       Hazards of Nuclear Weapons Waste Storage         December 24, 2010
cia-dogwood.pdf       CIA: DOGWOOD Project 1944                        December 22, 2010 (3MB)

cia-so-train.pdf      CIA: Special Operations Training 1942            December 21, 2010 (2MB)
cia-lcfangled.pdf     CIA: LCFANGLED Spy Ship Gone Awry                December 21, 2010
fbi-backdoors.htm     FBI OpenBSD IPSEC Backdoors Updated Background   December 21, 2010
ddb-denial.htm        Domscheit-Berg Denies Assange-Israeli Allegation December 21, 2010
security-hoot.htm     Security Hoot                                    December 21, 2010

clsid-list-09.htm     CLSID Shit List 9                                December 20, 2010
tehran-autopsy.htm    Autopsy in Tehran Part 1/3                       December 20, 2010
tutora-v-wl.pdf       Wikileaks Accused of Downloading Spy Files       December 19, 2010
wl-info-warning.htm Warning                           December 19, 2010
obama-protect39.htm   Obama Protection 39                              December 18, 2010

soyuz-tma20.htm       Launch of Soyuz TMA-20                           December 18, 2010
ustr121710.htm        Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement RWS          December 17, 2010
wikileaks-series.htm  Wikileaks Series on Cryptome 2006-2010           December 17, 2010
apple-suits.htm       Apple iPhone and iPad Patent Suits               December 17, 2010
wikileaks-honest.htm  Wikileaks Honest Contact Down                    December 17, 2010

garzon-extort.pdf     Judge Baltasar Garzon Extorts Biz Update         December 17, 2010 (990KB)
wikileaks-amok.htm    Wikileaks Cables Amok Update                     December 15, 2010
mr-big-ruse.pdf       Mr Big Technique to Elicit Confessions           December 16, 2010
wikileaks-pay.htm     Pay Wikileaks to Play                            December 15, 2010
hts-shame.htm         US Army Starving its Civil Affairs Functions     December 14, 2010

dod121410.htm         DoD Trucks IT Dates                              December 14, 2010
dea121410.htm         DEA Survey of Drug User Informants               December 14, 2010
wikileaks-dan.htm     Wikileaks Targets Daniel Ellsberg Brand          December 12, 2010
wikileaks-lash.htm    Wikileaks CIA, Soros and Competitors Backlash    December 12, 2010
linder-v-wiki.htm     David Linder v. Wikipedia and Wikileaks          December 11, 2010

wikileaks-streams.htm Wikileaks Streams of Hidden Money                December 11, 2010
dodd-3115-13.pdf      DoD Support for Hi-Value Detainee Interrogation  December 11, 2010
dodi-8100-04.pdf      DoD Unified Capabilities for Networks            December 11, 2010
wikileaks-six.htm     Six Anti-Theses on WikiLeaks                     December 11, 2010
nsa-spy-ships.htm     NSA Technical Spy Ships                          December 10, 2010

enigma-end.htm        NSA: The Last Days of the Enigma                 December 10, 2010
wikileaks-renege2.htm Wikileaks Reneges Bradley Manning Promise 2      December 10, 2010    NASA Disposition of Shuttle InfoTech Equipment   December 10, 2010 (1.1MB)
bis120910.htm         Commerce Control List Revisions RFC              December 9, 2010
gao-11-67.pdf         Megadeath Labs Emergency Planning SNAFU          December 9, 2010 (924KB)

wikileaks-renege.htm  Wikileaks Reneges Bradley Manning Promise        December 8, 2010
us-sa-oil.htm         USG Steps to Protect Saudi Oil Facilities        December 6, 2010
gov-isp-threats.htm   Cyber Threats to Government and ISP Facilities   December 6, 2010
ci-kr-spy.htm         US Critical Infrastructure-Key Resources Abroad  December 5, 2010
wikileaks-dadt.htm    Wikileaks DADT                                   December 5, 2010

mexico-spy.htm        Mexico Interagency Spying                        December 5, 2010
us-spy-un.htm         US United Nations Spy Den Eyeball                December 4, 2010
wikileaks-wikiing.htm Wikileaks Wikiing                                December 4, 2010
dodd-2311-01e.pdf     DoD Law of War Program                           December 4, 2010
dam-ai-111.pdf        Emergency Response on the Pentagon Reservation   December 4, 2010

doc-bans-wl.htm       Commerce Department Blackballs Wikileaks         December 3, 2010
wikileaks-coward.htm  Wikileaks Redactions Are Cowardly                December 3, 2010
hungary-spy.htm       Hungary National HUMINT Collection Directive     December 3, 2010
slovenia-spy.htm      Slovenia National HUMINT Collection Directive    December 3, 2010
romania-spy.htm       Romania National HUMINT Collection Directive     December 3, 2010

venezuela-spy.htm     Venezuela Counterintelligence Working Group Meet December 1, 2010
bulgaria-spy.htm      Bulgaria National HUMINT Collection Directive    December 1, 2010
palestinian-spy.htm   Palestinian National HUMINT Collection Directive December 1, 2010
paraguay-spy.htm      Paraguay National HUMINT Collection Directive    December 1, 2010
african-sahel-spy.htm African Sahel Region National HUMINT Collection  December 1, 2010

african-lakes-spy.htm African Great Lakes National HUMINT Collection   December 1, 2010
icrc-spy.htm          Red Cross Reports on Tunisian Prisoners          December 1, 2010
un-spy.htm            UN National HUMINT Collection Directive          December 1, 2010
intel-crypto-ru.htm   Intel's Crypto Importation Waiver from Russia    December 1, 2010
wikileaks-excuse.htm  Wikileaks No Excuse for Violent Assault          December 1, 2010


O f f s i t e 

USN                   Using the SIPRNET                                December 31, 2010
IL Stop               Israel Asked Dubai to Not Release Assassins Pix  December 31, 2010
MC Wynn 6             Steve Wynn Monaco Clammed Up                     December 31, 2010

MC Thugs              Monaco Islamic Fascists                          December 31, 2010
MC Wynn 5             Steve Wynn Lesson Unlearned                      December 30, 2010
MC Al                 Prince Albert Breaking Laws of Monaco            December 29, 2010
MC Wynn 4             Steve Wynn Monaco Financial Entangelements       December 29, 2010
MC Wynn 3             Steve Wynn Monaco a Few Points                   December 29, 2010

MC Wynn 2             Steve Wynn Monaco Nationality                    December 29, 2010
Fierce                The Battle of Wanat Final Report                 December 29, 2010
Run                   Gambler Steve Wynn Escapes to Monaco             December 28, 2010
11M Records!          National Archives Online Public Access           December 27, 2010
Anon                  Allegations of Assange's Women Abuse and a Rat   December 26, 2010

Tim May               True Nyms and Crypto Anarchy                     December 23, 2010
ATM WL                Wikileaks Cash Machine Partly Revealed           December 23, 2010
ATM 1                 Anti-Terrorist Mitchell Werbell Interview 1      December 23, 2010
ATM 2                 Anti-Terrorist Mitchell Werbell Interview 2      December 23, 2010
Boo                   Cryptome Demonized Recycled                      December 23, 2010

BS JA                 Bruce Sterling Demonizes Julian Assange          December 22, 2010
ALF Rat               A.L.F. Snitch Has FBI-Mozilla Connection         December 22, 2010
EFF WL                EFF and Others Defend Wikileaks                  December 22, 2010
JL v. EFF WL          Jaron Lanier Demonizes EFF and Wikileaks         December 20, 2010
GD-JA                 The Deleuzian Philosopy of Julian Assange        December 20, 2010

1A vs USG             Progressive Publishes Hydrogen Bomb Design 1979  December 18, 2010
NMGB                  Negro Motorist Green Book 1949                   December 17, 2010
FI-CN                 Stuxnet’s Finnish-Chinese Connection             December 17, 2010
Leak Love             NSA Says Networks Are Leaky (Up Budget)          December 17, 2010
FCCupcake             Federal Cupcake Commission                       December 16, 2010

WL Who                Who Is Behind Wikileaks?                         December 16, 2010
WL Time PA            Wikileaks, Time Magazine and Phillip Adams       December 12, 2010               
WL Lair               Architecture of Wikileaks - Photos and Drawings  December 11, 2010
NSA Patent            Device and method of authenticated cryptography  December 10, 2010
NSF                   Felix Guattari on New Spaces of Freedom          December 9, 2010

WB                    Wikileaks Battle: Info Shared or Censored        December 9, 2010
IC HAC                Internet cornucopia vs. high art constipation    December 9, 2010
MC OC                 Monaco Organized Crime Series - Read Daily       December 9, 2010
MC Pug                Monaco Honors Pugachev, Bankrupt Fraudster       December 7, 2010
FAA                   ACLU Publishes FAA Documents                     December 7, 2010

MMWL                  Mass-mirroring Wikileaks                         December 5, 2010
WMT                   Wikileaks Mirroring Tools                        December 5, 2010
FWC                   Force of Willis Carto                            December 4, 2010
CIM                   Chichakli in Moscow                              December 4, 2010
MC Oleg               Monaco Russian Organized Crime                   December 4, 2010


soyuz-tma19.htm       Soyuz TMA-19 Descent Module Landing              November 30, 2010
nrc120110.pdf         NRC Sets Nuclear Info Safeguards for Toshiba     November 30, 2010
dodd-6495-01.pdf      DoD Definition of Sexual Assault                 November 30, 2010
wikileaks-molest.htm  Wikileaks Molestation                            November 27, 2010

wikileaks-history.htm Wikileaks History Insurance                      November 26, 2010
secrets-taxonomy.htm  Toward a Taxonomy of Secrets                     November 26, 2010
phmsa112610.htm       Pipeline and LNG Safety Reporting Requirements   November 26, 2010
wikileaks-dreams.htm  Wikileaks Secret Dreams                          November 24, 2010
students-fight.htm    Euro Students Fight Governments and Banks Photos November 24, 2010

dod112610.pdf         DoD Support for Special Events                   November 24, 2010
met-v-liberty.htm     Met Police Commissioner versus Liberty           November 24, 2010
obama-protect38.htm   Obama Protection 38                              November 24, 2010
wikileaks-7x.htm      Wikileaks 7X Silver                              November 23, 2010         AQAP Inspire Magazine November 2010              November 22, 2010 (5.7MB)

liberte-linux.htm     Liberté Linux                                    November 22, 2010
citigroup-dmca3.htm   Citigroup Sends Cryptome Second Takedown Notice  November 20, 2010
so-jtf-242.htm        Special Operatives from Joint Task Force 242     November 20, 2010
dos-screening.pdf     State Department Escort Screening Courtesies     November 20, 2010 (751KB)
dodi-6055-17.pdf      DoD Installation Emergency Management            November 20, 2010

eo13559.pdf           Prez Orders Feds to Monitor Faith-Based Orgs     November 19, 2010
assange-abuse.htm     Abuse of Julian Assange and Alleged Victims      November 19, 2010
il-war-criminals.htm  Israeli War Criminals                            November 18, 2010
kajaki-dam.htm        Kajaki Dam Afghanistan Eyeball                   November 18, 2010
auag-ied.htm          AU AG: Strategic Influence of the IED            November 18, 2010

sba111810.htm         Small Business Information Security Task Force   November 17, 2010
atf111710.htm         List of Explosive Materials                      November 17, 2010
epa111710.htm         Access to Confidential Business Information      November 17, 2010
marad111710.htm       Liberty Liquified Natural Gas Deepwater Port     November 17, 2010
raidrs-facility.htm   RAIDRS Space Control Facility Specs and Drawings November 16, 2010      TSA Backscatter Body-Scan Radiation Safety FOUO  November 16, 2010 (11MB)
fda-body-spy.pdf      FDA Backscatter Body-Scan Radiation Safety       November 16, 2010        Terrorism Financing in Saudi Arabia (in Arabic)  November 15, 2010 (952KB)
cslid-list-08.htm     CSLID Shit List 8                                November 15, 2010
tia-1118.htm          Law Enforcement Access to Wireless LAN           November 15, 2010

dhs-social-spy.htm    DHS Social Media Spying                          November 15, 2010
fbi-dximaging.htm     FBI Surveillance with Dximaging                  November 14, 2010  US Marshals Facility Courthouse Drawings FOUO    November 13, 2010 (28.2MB)      GSA SCIF RFP                                     November 13, 2010 (6.4MB)
dnfsb111510.htm       Plutonium Safety for Public-Worker Protection    November 12, 2010

eo13559.htm           EO 13559 Export Enforcement Coordination Center  November 12, 2010
uganda-bio.htm        Uganda Bioterrrorism Target Eyeball              November 11, 2010
wikileaks-crack.htm   Wikileaks Crack of CIA/State Department Cables?  November 11, 2010
nscid-5-47-61.pdf     Clandestine Collection of Intelligence 1947-61   November 11, 2010         Presidential Review Memo on Intelligence 1977    November 11, 2010 (2.6MB)    SwiftLink Snap Satellite Communications Gear     November 11, 2010 (1.2MB)
zachary-chesser2.htm  Wife of Zachary Chesser Pleads Guilty            November 9, 2010
wikileaks-lock.htm    Wikileaks Documents Locked to Students           November 9, 2010
tipped-kettle.htm     Man-Portable Weapons Captured by Israel Forces   November 9, 2010
cbp110910.htm         Customs Eyes Security of Entire Canada Border    November 9, 2010

retweet-economy.htm   It's Not What You Tweet, It's Who You Tweet      November 9, 2010
hts-caution.htm       Human Terrain System a Cautionary Tale           November 8, 2010
obama-protect37.htm   Obama Protection 37                              November 7, 2010    NSA History of TEMPEST Technology                November 7, 2010 (1.3MB)
state-aes.htm         State Department Warns Against AES Crypto        November 7, 2010

wikileaks-eyed.htm    Wikileaks Initiatives Eyed by Cryptome           November 6, 2010        Pentagon Emergency Response Guide                November 6, 2010 (850KB)
DTM-07-021.pdf        Declassification Marking Special Access Program  November 6, 2010
nsa-computers.pdf     NSA And Computer Development                     November 5, 2010
nsa-04-02-j.pdf       NSA Optical Media Destruction Devices            November 5, 2010

eo110410.htm          Controlled Unclassified Information              November 5, 2010   Agency Response to Cyberspace Policy Review      November 4, 2010 (8.2MB)
dos-simas.pdf         DoS Security Incident Management Analysis System November 4, 2010
nara110510.htm        National Archives to Open More Nixon Tapes       November 4, 2010
dhs110410.htm         DHS Big Bro Records Exempt From the Privacy Act  November 4, 2010

fac110410.htm         North Korea Sanctions Regulations                November 4, 2010
dos110410.htm         Designation of Jundallah Global Terrorist        November 4, 2010
au-jihad.htm          Australia Counter-radicalisation Efforts         November 4, 2010
dod110310.htm         DoD Semi-Bans Contractor Joy with Detainees      November 3, 2010
au-foi.htm            AU Launches Freedom of Information Commissioner  November 1, 2010

O f f s i t e 

FB Eyes               FBI Citizens Academy                             November 30, 2010
State                 State Department Cables on 9-11                  November 28, 2010
CIA Blow              CIA Agents, Blowing Their Own Cover              November 27, 2010

C3Q                   CIA's FOIA log for the 3rd quarter 2010          November 27, 2010
VBC                   Viktor Bout/Chichakli: A Life of Intrigue        November 27, 2010
KKK-I 3               The Ku Klux Klan Inside 3                        November 27, 2010
TPN                   NSA: Third Party Nations: Partners and Targets   November 26, 2010
MBC                   NSA: Meteor Burst Communications                 November 26, 2010

UCM                   NSA: First USG Crypto Manual                     November 26, 2010
Cipher                William Blair's Cipher: First USG Crypto Manual  November 26, 2010
CF                    Crypto Forum                                     November 26, 2010
TelCrypto 1           Bell Labs: Speech Privacy Decoding 1942          November 25, 2010 (11MB)
TelCrypto 2           Bell Labs: Speech Privacy Systems 1944           November 25, 2010 (6MB)

AU CyPerps            AU Report on Hackers, Fraudsters, Botnets        November 25, 2010 (4.1MB)
Uniriot               Euro Students Fight Gov-Banks for Education      November 24, 2010
VB Big                Victor Bout Mr. Big                              November 24, 2010
Spying SU             Western Spying on Soviet Rocketry 1945-1954      November 24, 2010
Megadeath Assay       Los Alamos Laboratory Off-site Health Hazards    November 24, 2010

DoD Report            Progress Toward Security and Stability in Afghan November 23, 2010
Mack                  Douglas Mackiernan: First CIA Officer to Die     November 23, 2010
VBA                   Victor Bout's USA Associate                      November 23, 2010
KKK-I 2               The Ku Klux Klan Inside 2                        November 23, 2010
PigLeaks              Another Stolen Data Spy Jailed                   November 23, 2010 

Spy Sat               US Launches New COMINT Satellite                 November 22, 2010
Jack Who              JFK Who Didn't Have Motive                       November 22, 2010
MC Bent               Monaco New Ethics                                November 22, 2010
Feebs (ok)            FBI Assault Videotaped                           November 22, 2010
PooLeaks              More Stolen Data Spies Thriving                  November 22, 2010

MP                    Military Domestic Crackdown Plan                 November 22, 2010
I3                    AQAP Inspire Magazine 3                          November 22, 2010
spy-porn              Mass Spying Porn at Israeli Lobby                November 22, 2010
KKK-I                 The Ku Klux Klan Inside                          November 21, 2010
TSA NA                TSA and the New "Americanism"                    November 21, 2010

CVPE                  Clouds, Volcanoes, Politics and the Economy      November 21, 2010
MC BoD                Monaco Bankers of Death                          November 20, 2010
MC Nazi               Monaco Auschwitz Connection                      November 18, 2010
Home Jihad            Fort Hood Shooting Final Report                  November 18, 2010
Spy Tool              Spy Tracking Spy Tool                            November 18, 2010

AE                    FBI Warns of Anarchist Extremism Since 1919      November 17, 2010
KKK 2                 Ku Klux Klan in Britain 2                        November 17, 2010
OK                    Russian Organized Crime Oleg Kim                 November 17, 2010
GA                    Government Attic Reorganized                     November 17, 2010
Bout                  Viktor Bout Extradited                           November 16, 2010

Face Spy              Facebook Law Enforcement Spy Guides 2007-2010    November 16, 2010
Scan Porn             US Marshals Kept Body Scan Photos                November 16, 2010
FIT                   FITwatch Advice to Avoid Arrest                  November 16, 2010
MC Steal              Monaco State Sanctioned Theft                    November 16, 2010
TSA Rot               TSA and America's Culture of Zero-Risk           November 16, 2010

Hack Hype 1           Symantec Stuxnet Hacker War Gaming               November 16, 2010
Hack Hype 2           Wired Stuxnet Hacker War Flogging                November 16, 2010
FOIA Dead             Obama Official: Bypass FOIA Seek Data Directly   November 16, 2010
ADA 2010              2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design         November 15, 2010
USN Doc               Navy Pacific NW Training Range Complex Manual    November 15, 2010

MC Inc                Monaco Larvotto Corrupt Fraud                    November 15, 2010
KKK 1                 Ku Klux Klan in Britain 1                        November 15, 2010
Mil Lit               Military Reading List (Some Links Dead)          November 14, 2010
Kings 3               Trilateral Commission Kingmakers 3               November 13, 2010
Hack Biz              The Great Cyberheist                             November 13, 2010

Peepers               DHS CBP TSA Terrorist Watch List Implementation  November 11, 2010
MC Mules              Monaco Police Mulish Shenanigans                 November 11, 2010
Kings 2               Trilateral Commission Kingmakers 2               November 11, 2010
Yum                   Eat Shit Farms Gets FDA Warning for Killer Eggs  November 10, 2010
Kings                 Trilateral Commission Kingmakers                 November 9, 2010

MC Dirty 2            Monaco Dirty Dealing Larvotto Fiasco 2           November 9, 2010
CIA Tweet             CIA Spinmaster Lamely Long Tweets                November 9, 2010
CIA Lobot             CIA Brainwash Is Really Really Wonderful         November 9, 2010
MC Dirty              Monaco Dirty Dealing Larvotto Fiasco             November 8, 2010
Bilderberg 6          The West's Secret Power Group 1974 6             November 7, 2010

War MPs               MPs that Voted for War on Iraq - Google Cache    November 6, 2010
Bilderberg 5          The West's Secret Power Group 1974 5             November 6, 2010
Crypto                David Kahn Gives Crypto Collection to NSA        November 5, 2010
Pain                  CIA Sadist: It Is Legal to Abet Torture          November 5, 2010
Peep                  FBI CCTV Advice Video                            November 5, 2010

Perp                  Law Enforcement App Perp Application             November 5, 2010
WL More               Another Wikileaks-type Initiative Planned        November 4, 2010
Ubi Spy               Notes from the Ubiquitous Surveillance Society   November 4, 2010
FX                    Foundation X Wants to Buy-Bail-Bribe the UK      November 4, 2010
US v. No Jobs         US Census Takers Fight Angry Americans for Data  November 4, 2010

MC MMJ                Monaco Moslem Militant Jameel                    November 4, 2010
GPI                   Google Is Polluting the Internet                 November 4, 2010
IN-US War Plan        India Militarizing Space with US Help            November 4, 2010
Bilderberg 4          The West's Secret Power Group 1974 4             November 4, 2010
Cyber Mal             Finding the 'Cure' for the 'Cyber Epidemic'      November 4, 2010

MC DD                 Monaco Dirty Dealing                             November 3, 2010
Bilderberg 3          The West's Secret Power Group 1974 3             November 3, 2010
WL=IL                 Wikileaks Is Another Israeli Attack on the US    November 3, 2010
CN No 1               Most Important Read Ever About China             November 3, 2010
NZ War Plan           NZ Defense Force Strategic Plan 2007-2011        November 3, 2010


pacer-fraud.pdf       Computer Fraud in US Court Public Access System  October 31, 2010
wikileaks-threat.htm  Wikileaks Threatens Journalism and Espionage     October 31, 2010

cia102510.pdf         CIA Response to Wikileaks FOIA Request           October 30, 2010
usa101910.pdf         Army Response to Bradley Manning FOIA Request    October 30, 2010  DoD Manual for Written Material: Management      October 30, 2010 (1.4MB)  DoD Manual for Written Material: Examples        October 30, 2010 (400KB)
citigroup-dmca2.htm   Citigroup Sends Cryptome Inept Takedown Notice   October 29, 2010

salvatore-vitale.pdf  Salvatore Vitale Mob Killer Rats Family          October 29, 2010
luke-rudkowski.htm    Damning Evidence Against Luke Rudkowski          October 29, 2010
sts107-forensic.htm   Challenger Disaster Microscopic Forensic Photos  October 28, 2010
voir-dire.pdf         The Juridical City State of Exception            October 27, 2010 (3.4MB)
wikileaks-after.htm   After Wikileaks What Next                        October 27, 2010

virginia-thomas.htm   Virginia Thomas Search                           October 26, 2010
wsj-trap.htm          Wall Street Journal Baits a Trap, Bait Bit Now   October 26, 2010
nps102710.htm         Conjugal Church and State Celebration            October 26, 2010 Submarine Engineered Operating Cycle Program     October 25, 2010 (785KB)
fincen102610.pdf      Transfer-Reorg of Bank Secrecy Act Regulations   October 25, 2010 (741KB)

cryptome-punked.htm   Cryptome May Be Punked                           October 25, 2010
dod102510.htm         Defense Cargo Riding Gang Members                October 25, 2010
obama-protect36.htm   Obama Protection 36                              October 23, 2010
clsid-list-07.htm     CLSID Shit List 7                                October 23, 2010
clsid-beyond2.htm     CLSID Shitlist Series Beyond - Response          October 23, 2010

hts-fail.htm          Army Fails to Fix Human Terrain System           October 23, 2010
wikileaks-feed.htm    Wikileaks Feedback                               October 23, 2010
DTM-09-007.pdf        DoD Full Cost of War Staffing                    October 23, 2010
DTM-09-032.pdf        DoD Open-Air Burn Pits                           October 23, 2010
doe102510.pdf         Megadeath Fun Back End Waste Disposal            October 23, 2010     CENTCOM List of Files Transferred to NARA        October 23, 2010 (1.2MB)
wikileaks-book.htm    Wikileaks Conference Booking Form                October 22, 2010
cryptome-hack6.htm    Cryptome Hackers May Be Feds - Wikileaks Hit Too October 22, 2010
dol102210.htm         Definition of the Term Fiduciary                 October 22, 2010
clsid-beyond.htm      CLSID Shitlist Series Beyond                     October 20, 2010

zachary-chesser.htm   South Park Jihadist Pleads Guilty                October 20, 2010
wikileaks-feint.htm   Wikileaks Feint                                  October 20, 2010
polyhub-spy.htm       NSF Polyhub Online Spying                        October 19, 2010
wikileaks-hook.htm    Wikileaks Hook - First Amendment Under Attack    October 19, 2010
wikileaks-unlike.htm  Wikileaks Unlike Cryptome                        October 18, 2010

sec101910.pdf         Review of Assets Backed Securities Offerings     October 18, 2010
acs-spy-fee.pdf       ACS Law Firm High Fee for ISP Spy Compliance     October 18, 2010
au-merc-10.pdf        AU National Security Exercise Mercury 10         October 18, 2010
cryptome-hack5.htm    "Xyrix" "Virus" "Null" "Trainreq" Linked         October 17, 2010
centcom-sigacts.htm   CENTCOM Iraq War SIGACTS - Wikileaks Pre-Empt?   October 17, 2010

wikileaks-rich.htm    Wikileaks How Rich Update                        October 17, 2010
fda101810-2.pdf       Testing Medical Device Radiation-Emitters        October 16, 2010
fda101810.pdf         Emergency Plans for Absence of Drugged Workers   October 16, 2010
hts-hell.htm          Human Terrain System Circles of Hell             October 16, 2010
clsid-list-06.htm     CLSID Shit List 6                                October 15, 2010

fincen101510.htm      New Bank Secrecy Suspicious Activities Database  October 15, 2010
doe101510.htm         Fossil Energy Use Reduction in Federal Buildings October 15, 2010
wikileaks-sued.htm    Wikileaks Sued in Germany                        October 14, 2010
thug-mugshots.htm     "Xyrix" "Virus" "Null" Hacker-Thug Mug Shots     October 14, 2010
boem101410.pdf        Outer Continental Shelf Energy Safety Measures 1 October 12, 2010

boem101410-2.pdf      Outer Continental Shelf Energy Safety Measures 2 October 12, 2010
cryptome-offer.htm    Cryptome Offer to Hackers and Wired              October 11, 2010
cryptome-nobreach.htm Cryptome Not "Breached"                          October 11, 2010
dos101210.htm         US Pays Afghan Wed to Taliban Al Qaeda Drugs     October 11, 2010
doe100510-2.pdf       Smart Grid Data Access and Privacy               October 11, 2010

doe100510.pdf         Smart Grid Communications Requirements           October 11, 2010
perras-hacknot.htm    "Justin Perras" Disavows Cryptome Hack Update    October 10, 2010
tla-rico.htm          TLAs Racketeer To Protect Killer Agent           October 10, 2010
hts-contract.htm      Sources Sought to Run Human Terrain System       October 9, 2010
clsid-list-05.htm     CLSID Shit List 5                                October 9, 2010

cryptome-hack4.htm    Cryptome Hackers and Consequences Update         October 9, 2010
dodd-3025-13.pdf      DoD Support of the US Secret Service             October 9, 2010
DTM-10-018.pdf        Law Enforcement Reports of Suspicious Activities October 9, 2010
cryptome-hack3.htm    Cryptome Hack 3 Updated                          October 8, 2010
fhwa100710.htm        New Bridge Construction and Repair Materials     October 7, 2010

doa100710.htm         Army Bountiful Warmaking Business Offered        October 7, 2010
dea100610.htm ok      Drug Pushers Prescribed                          October 7, 2010
wired-crime.htm       Wired Complicit in Federal Crimes by Hacker      October 5, 2010
af-war-women-10-03    Afghanistan Wartime Women March 2010             October 5, 2010
wikileaks-bullied.htm Wikileaks Bullied by AU Attorney General         October 5, 2010

doc100510.pdf         Internet Copyright Creativity Innovation Inquiry October 4, 2010
ellsberg-wlmail.htm   Ellsberg Documentary via Wikileaks Maillist      October 4, 2010
af-war-women-10-05    Afghanistan Wartime Women May 2010               October 4, 2010
wikileaks-unpub.htm   Wikileaks Upload Unpublished                     October 4, 2010
europe-alert.htm      US Issues Europe Travel Alert                    October 3, 2010

af-war-women-10-094   Afghanistan Wartime Women Sep 2010 Pt 4          October 3, 2010
af-war-women-10-04    Afghanistan Wartime Women April 2010             October 3, 2010
cia-cryptome.pdf      CIA Classifies Cryptome Dossier                  October 2, 2010
DTM-09-031.pdf        Recording Intelligence Interrogations of Persons October 2, 2010
DTM-09-012.pdf        DoD Physical Access Control Policy               October 2, 2010

DTM-08-004.pdf        DoD Physical Access Control Policy Guidance      October 2, 2010 
soyuz-tma18.htm       Soyuz TMA-18 Space Capsule Landing Photos        October 1, 2010
myrtus-v-myRTUs.htm   Stuxnet Myrtus or MyRTUs?                        October 1, 2010
cyber092310.pdf       Cyber Command House Testimony                    October 1, 2010
navy-cyber.pdf        Navy Cyber Command House Testimony               October 1, 2010

marines-cyber.pdf     Marines Cyber Command House Testimony            October 1, 2010
army-cyber.pdf        Army Cyber Command House Testimony               October 1, 2010
airforce-cyber.pdf    Air Force Cyber Command House Testimony          October 1, 2010
doj100110.htm         Adobe Apple Google Intel Intuit Pixar Jobs Plot  October 1, 2010
nnsa100110.htm        LANL WMD Building Revised EIS                    October 1, 2010

O f f s i t e 

Shameful              New York Times Teaches Wikileaks Prejudice       October 30, 2010

Bilderberg 2          The West's Secret Power Group 1974 2             October 28, 2010
Bilderberg            The West's Secret Power Group 1974               October 28, 2010
MC Toy                Prince of Monaco's Favorite Toy                  October 28, 2010
GID Gad!              Globally Important Diseases                      October 28, 2010
ICS-705-1             New Stds for Sensitive Compartmented Info Facs   October 27, 2010

ICS-705-2             Stds for Use of Sensitive Compartmented Info     October 27, 2010 
AF Pork               7000 Afghanistan Reconstruction Contracts        October 27, 2010
MC Fool               Prince of Monaco Inept Rule                      October 27, 2010
Fail Safe             Failure Shuts Down Squadron of Nuclear Missiles  October 27, 2010
WL TC                 Wikileaks Legal Defense as Press Too Cute?       October 27, 2010

WL More               Wikileaks to Release Russia, China Logs          October 27, 2010
Agee                  CIA renegade Agee’s files surface at NYU         October 26, 2010
CIA Inc 2             Miles Copeland: CIA Murder Inc 2                 October 26, 2010
MC Faith              Monaco Masons                                    October 26, 2010
WL Faith              Wikileaks And Faith-Based War On Terror          October 26, 2010

NBB                   National Bedbug Blitzkrieg                       October 26, 2010
MC Thugs 2            Italian Organized Crime in Monaco: Fiorucci      October 26, 2010
Lamo                  Adrian Lamo Logs                                 October 25, 2010
TIP                   Israel Propaganda for Profit Guide               October 25, 2010
MC Thugs 1            Monaco banking and Italian P2 connection         October 25, 2010

Nazi Thugs            Nazi Sympathizers Exposed                        October 25, 2010
TOT                   Seymour Hersh: The Online Threat                 October 25, 2010
CySec                 Cyber Security Test Range                        October 23, 2010
Perp Net              Informal International Cops and Spies            October 23, 2010
Perl WMD  [Joke]      Perl and Nuclear Weapons Don't Mix               October 23, 2010

NSA Patent            Measuring degree of enhancement to voice signal  October 22, 2010
NSA Patent            Identifying topic of text using nouns            October 22, 2010
NSA Patent            Method of database searching                     October 22, 2010
NSA Patent            Eliminating loops from a computer program        October 22, 2010
NSA Patent            Electromagnetic service box                      October 22, 2010

NNUWA                 Neo-Nazis Underground World in America           October 22, 2010
CIA Inc               Miles Copeland: CIA Murder Inc                   October 22, 2010 
MC RC                 Russian Organized Crime in Monaco                October 22, 2010
MC Plot 17            Islamic Militants in Monaco 17                   October 22, 2010
Hard Knock            CIA: Lessons from Khowst                         October 20, 2010

RI and RC             Russian Spies and Russian Criminals Entwined     October 20, 2010
MC Plot 16            Islamic Militants in Monaco 16                   October 18, 2010
Read This!            Bell System Technical Journal 1922-1983          October 17, 2010
MC Plot 15            Islamic Militants in Monaco 15                   October 17, 2010
MC Plot 14            Islamic Militants in Monaco 14                   October 16, 2010

MC Plot 13            Islamic Militants in Monaco 13                   October 16, 2010
MC Plot 12            Islamic Militants in Monaco 12                   October 15, 2010
Cy Grab               Bruce Schneier on Cyberwar Power Grab            October 15, 2010
MC Plot 11            Islamic Militants in Monaco 11                   October 14, 2010
MC Plot 10            Islamic Militants in Monaco 10                   October 14, 2010

MC Plot 9             Islamic Militants in Monaco 9                    October 14, 2010
MC Plot 8             Islamic Militants in Monaco 8                    October 13, 2010
MC Plot 7             Islamic Militants in Monaco 7                    October 12, 2010
MC Plot 6             Islamic Militants in Monaco 6                    October 12, 2010
MC Plot 5             Islamic Militants in Monaco 5                    October 12, 2010

MC Plot 4             Islamic Militants in Monaco 4                    October 11, 2010
MC Plot 3             Islamic Militants in Monaco 3                    October 10, 2010
DIA Logs              Defense Spy Agency's FOIA logs for FYs 2007-2009 October 9, 2010
IR Strike             Iran with Capability to Strike US by 2014        October 9, 2010
MC Plot 2             Islamic Militants in Monaco 2                    October 9, 2010

FBI SOS               FBI Student Tracking Device                      October 8, 2010
MC Plot 1             Islamic Militants in Monaco 1                    October 8, 2010
Cork It               Army Warns of Inside Spies for Enemy Media       October 5, 2010
Corked                Censorship at WikiLeaks event                    October 4, 2010
NO Leak               Norway Media Leaks Latest Wikileaks AF Leak      October 1, 2010


fincen093010.htm      Cross-Border Electronic Transmittals of Funds    September 30, 2010       Citizen Spy: Television, Espionage, Cold War     September 29, 2010 (2.5MB)

huffpost-spy.htm      Huffington Post Spying Game                      September 29, 2010    Espionage and the Roots of the Cold War          September 29, 2010 (4.7MB)
doc092910.pdf         Global Free Flow of Information on the Internet  September 28, 2010
gao-10-755r.pdf       WMD Counterproliferation SNAFU                   September 28, 2010
wiki-tormenta.htm     Wikipedia Tormenta                               September 28, 2010

parwan.htm            Parwan Detention Facility, Bagram, Afghanistan   September 28, 2010        Crypto Tech Export Sting of Chinese Buyer        September 27, 2010 (733KB)
ftc092810.pdf         US Search Agrees to Stop Lying About Privacy     September 27, 2010
schmitt-spiegel.htm   Daniel Schmitt Interview by Der Spiegel          September 26, 2010
fmcsa092710.pdf       Texting by Commercial Vehicles Drivers Banned    September 25, 2010

phmsa092710.pdf       Texting by HazMat Drivers Banned                 September 25, 2010
nsa-utah-award.pdf    NSA Utah Data Center $1.2B Contract Awarded      September 25, 2010
dodd-5148-11.pdf      Asst to SecDef for Spying Oversight              September 25, 2010
DTM-08-009.pdf        Wartime UCMJ Jurisdiction of DoD Civilians       September 25, 2010
af-war-women-10-093   Afghanistan Wartime Women Sep 2010 Pt 3          September 24, 2010

citigroup-dmca.htm    Citigroup Gets DMCA Takedown                     September 24, 2010
assange-persecute.htm Julian Assange Persecution                       September 23, 2010
fra092710.pdf ok      Railroad Employees Use of Cellphones Curtailed   September 22, 2010   Navy Antiterrorism Standards for Buildings       September 22, 2010 (2.4MB)        Building Security Standards SNAFU                September 22, 2010 (765KB)        Public Transit Security Info Sharing SNAFU       September 22, 2010 (3.4MB)
nctc092210.pdf        NCTC Confronts Terrorist Threat to the Homeland  September 22, 2010
nps092210.htm         White House Enhanced Fortification Study         September 22, 2010
sigir092210.htm       Iraq Reconstruction Enhanced Ethics              September 22, 2010
opnav-1412-13.pdf     Navy Information Dominance Warfare Officer       September 21, 2010      Cybercommand Cyber Analytical Support RFP        September 21, 2010        US Arms Export Boondoggle Reporting SNAFU        September 21, 2010
wmd-risks.pdf         Nuclear Weapons Disassembly Risks 2010           September 21, 2010         Armed Forces Cybersecurity Spy Training          September 21, 2010 (1.3MB)
af-war-arch-10-093    Afghanistan Wartime Architecture Sep 2010 Pt 3   September 21, 2010      FBI Domestic Spying Hit by Inspector General     September 20, 2010 (2.4MB)        Global Spying v. Conflict Disease Terrorism      September 20, 2010 (1.8MB)         CBP Security Policy and Procedures Handbook FOUO September 20, 2010 (4.4MB)
pope-sec-uk.htm       Pope Security for London Visit Photos            September 19, 2010
cia-secrecy-oaths.pdf CIA Walt Rostow & John Ehrlichman Secrecy Oaths  September 19, 2010 CIA History of Information Security to 1966      September 18, 2010 (6.3MB)
cia-leaks-1971.pdf    CIA Memo to the President on Info Security       September 18, 2010
boot-suck.htm         MSP430 Microcontroller BOOT SUCK                 September 18, 2010
dodd-5505-06.pdf      DoD Investigations of DoD Senior Officials       September 18, 2010
dodi-2200-01.pdf      DoD Combating Trafficking in Persons             September 18, 2010

DTM-08-021.pdf        DoD Use of Civilian Sats for Personnel Recovery  September 18, 2010
DTM-08-027.pdf        DoD Security of Unclassified Information         September 18, 2010
DTM-09-013.pdf        DoD Architecture Registry System                 September 18, 2010
DTM-09-016.pdf        DoD Supply Chain Risk Management                 September 18, 2010
DTM-09-026.pdf        DoD Responsible Use of the Internet              September 18, 2010

usa-v-mascheroni.htm  USA v. Pedro Leonardo Mascheroni et al           September 17, 2010
dni092010.pdf         Spymaster Denies EPIC Spy Records Objection      September 17, 2010
mascheroni-spy.htm    WMD Scientist and Mate Indicted for Spying       September 17, 2010
cia-leaks-dci.pdf     Director of Central Intelligence on Leaks        September 16, 2010
cia-leaks-iatf.pdf    CIA Interagency Task Force on Leaks              September 16, 2010

cia-leaks-fddc.pdf    CIA Inadequacy of Existing Laws Concerning Leaks September 16, 2010        Whistleblower Protection Weaknesses SNAFU        September 16, 2010 (1.2MB)
assange-denied.htm    Assange Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied        September 16, 2010
kashmir-protest.htm   Kashmir Protest Photos                           September 16, 2010  National 911 Memorial Museum Tax Report 2008     September 16, 2010 (1.9MB)  National 911 Memorial Museum Tax Report 2007     September 16, 2010 (1MB)  National 911 Memorial Museum Tax Report 2006     September 16, 2010 (1MB)  September 11th Widows and Victims Families 2008  SEptember 16, 2010 (1.8MB)
nsa-mdr.htm           NSA Reports Available Upon Request               September 16, 2010
cia-arcins.htm        CIA Records Database Available for Inquiries     September 16, 2010

atf091610.htm         Blasting Agents and Explosives Separation        September 16, 2010
acf091610.htm         State Abstinence Education Program               September 16, 2010
af-war-arch-10-092    Afghanistan Wartime Architecture Sep 2010 Pt 2   September 14, 2010
hhs091310.htm         National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program     September 13, 2010
wikileaks-witch.pdf   Wikileaks Susceptible to Internet Witchcraft     September 11, 2010

DTM-08-011.pdf        DoD Spying Oversight Policy Guidance             September 11, 2010
DTM-08-052.pdf        DoD Reporting Questionable Spying Activities     September 11, 2010
DTM-09-003.pdf        DoD Post 9-11 GI Bill                            September 11, 2010
dodi-4140-66.pdf      DoD End-Use Monitoring of Defense Articles       September 11, 2010
gitmo-rules.pdf       DoD Media Ground Rules for Guantanamo Visit      September 10, 2010

wikileaks-pump.htm    Wikileaks Rape Pumped                            September 10, 2010
wtc-photos.htm        World Trade Center Photographs 3 October 2001    September 9, 2010  Afghan Kill by Military Thugs Charging Documents September 9, 2010 (2.2MB)
1270-ae-fud.htm       1270 Architects and Engineers Spread FUD         September 9, 2010
wikileaks-bait.htm    Fox News Nibbles the Wikileaks Insiders Bait     September 8, 2010

bis090810.htm         US Enemies May Be Bad for Business               September 8, 2010
fac090810.htm         US Enemies Converted to Friends Just Like That   September 8, 2010
dos090810.htm         US Enemies Declared Just Like That               September 8, 2010
ussc090810.htm        Crack Cocaine Sentences a Little Bit Harsh       September 8, 2010
fra090810.htm         DesertXpress High-Speed Rob Drunk Gamblers Rail  September 8, 2010

doj090810.htm         National Warheads and Energetics Consortium      September 8, 2010
dod090810.htm         Government Rights in the Design of DoD Vessels   September 8, 2010
epa090810.htm         Hanford Transuranic Waste Characterization       September 8, 2010
israel-v-us-ir.htm    Israel vs the United States and Iran-a Forgery   September 7, 2010
af-war-arch-10-09     Afghanistan Wartime Architecture Sep 2010 Pt 1   September 7, 2010

wikileaks-clarify.htm Wikileaks-Birgitta Jónsdóttir Clarifies Position September 6, 2010
gareth-williams.htm   Met Police Probe of GCHQ Spy Gareth Williams     September 6, 2010
assange-innocent.htm  Julian Assange Is Innocent Until Proven Guilty   September 6, 2010       DoJ Classified Information Security Audit FOUO   September 5, 2010 (7.4MB)       DEA Information Security Audit FOUO              September 5, 2010 (7.3MB)

ilsig-eyeball.htm     Israel’s Most Important SIGINT Base              September 5, 2010
siss.htm              Sensitive Information Security Sources           September 4, 2010
open-transactions.htm Open Transactions Digital Cash Library           September 4, 2010
wikileaks-rape.htm    Assange Is no Rapist - He Has Other Problems     September 4, 2010
DTM-08-020.pdf        Defense Investment Review Board                  September 4, 2010

wsj-trap.htm          Wall Street Journal Baits a Trap, Bait Bit       September 3, 2010
bis090710.pdf         Wassenaar Agreement Commerce Control List Defs   September 3, 2010
hts-mcfate.htm        McFate Resigns from Human Terrain System         September 3, 2010
eo13552.pdf           Amendments to the Courts-Martial Manual          September 2, 2010
riches-v-assange.htm  Jonathan Lee Riches v. Julian Assange+Wikipedia  September 2, 2010

james-lee.htm         James Lee The Hell with the Troops Photo         September 2, 2010
af-war-arch-10-084    Afghanistan Wartime Architecture Aug 2010 Pt 4   September 2, 2010        TSA Pipeline Safety SNAFU                        September 1, 2010 (5.6MB)
manning-090110.htm    Bradley Manning Support Network 1 Sept 2010      September 1, 2010
se-law-assange.htm    Sweden Decision and Law on the Assange Probe     September 1, 2010

O f f s i t e 

Podcast               Daniel Domscheit-Derg: Inside Wikileaks German   September 30, 2010

Rogues                Obama Targets Iranian Officials Moola            September 29, 2010
Honors                Judges Want Safe and Adequate Courtrooms         September 29, 2010
Stux Hype             Stuxnet: Great cyberweapon or cyberfizzle?       September 28, 2010
FOI                   Is Publication of Classified Info Criminal?      September 27, 2010
Spy Spin              Spymaster Directive on Unauthorized Disclosures  September 27, 2010

Schatzi               Former Stasi Cryptographers Develop NATO Tech    September 27, 2010
Net Spy               USG Working to Ease Internet Spying              September 27, 2010
More Grams            More NSA DIRgrams                                September 26, 2010
Cyber WMD             Cyber Weapons Are the New Loose Nukes            September 26, 2010
Joystick              Drone Porn                                       September 24, 2010

Boom                  San Francisco Tries to Hide Its Gas Pipelines    September 21, 2010
Stuxnet               Built to Attack Iran Nuclear Facilities?         September 21, 2010
Spy App               Spy App for Social Media                         September 20, 2010
Blow                  Creating an Offshore Wind Industry in the US     September 20, 2010
Suckers               Why Press Shield Laws Screw Sources              September 19, 2010            How Online Spies Spy Ever More Sneakily          September 19, 2010
NSA Ship              NSA History of Technical Research Ship Program   September 18, 2010
WTC Pork              World Trade Center $3.3 Billion Boondoggle       September 18, 2010
Boomer                Bangor Trident Nuclear Submarine Base Video      September 18, 2010
Spy Lie               WMD Spy Mascheroni Falsely Accused by FBI        September 18, 2010

Spy Fib               CIA Bibliography of Spy Ethics and Morality      September 16, 2010
Cut It                Why the War on Terror Needs Defunding            September 16, 2010
Esc Maps              CIA Escape and Evasion Maps                      September 16, 2010
ABB                   Assange Bewitched and Bewildered                 September 14, 2010
Hack                  HDCP Master Key                                  September 14, 2010

WL Pro                Article 19: Wikileaks and Internet Disclosures   September 14, 2010
WL Kills              Human rights activists against WikiLeaks         September 14, 2010
Wiki CID              Army CID Calls Wikileaks Extremist Website       September 13, 2010
Dirt Works 2          How Latvian Dirty Money Gets Exposed             September 13, 2010
Dirt Works 1          How Dirty Money Launderers Avoid Jail            September 13, 2010

Noam                  Chomsky: US Bad Bolivia Good Afghans Best Alone  September 13, 2010
ProPub                ProPublica Investigative Journalism              September 12, 2010
CN-QC                 China's Quantum Communications a Threat?         September 9, 2010
RFE-RL                The Cracks in Wikileaks, Says Who                September 9, 2010
QCC                   GSM Bug Detection System                         September 6, 2010

ACTA Drip             Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement Leak         September 6, 2010
AU Hits               Collateral Damage - Sunday Night AU Killings     September 5, 2010
Xe Wars               30 Blackwater Front Companies and Planes         September 5, 2010
WIB                   War Is Business                                  September 5, 2010 
Them                  Means-Methods East Bloc Secret Spying Services   September 4, 2010

CIA FF                Working at the CIA: Fact or Fiction              September 3, 2010
AWE                   Project Hydrus Flash Radiographic X-ray Plant    September 3, 2010
Unprotected           A Swedish Shield for Wikileaks, Unraised         September 2, 2010
See Sec               Secrecy News Chockfull of Wide Eye Openers       September 2, 2010
BdN                   Blog del Narco                                   September 2, 2010

CADBIM                US Army Corps of Engineers CAD-BIM Details       September 1, 2010
TvHR                  Tempest vs Ham Radio (FR) Updated URL            September 1, 2010
Reds                  Red Mafia Means Russian Intelligence Is Near     September 1, 2010
ESF                   Eat Shit Farms LLC                               September 1, 2010


eo13551.htm           Blocking Property of VIPs in North Korea         August 31, 2010
osha083110.htm        Transit Security Whistleblower Protection        August 31, 2010
dod-leak.pdf          DoD Leaked the Bradley Manning Material          August 31, 2010

tg-839-840.htm        Obama Attacks North Korea with Money Weapons     August 30, 2010
ru-mil-doctrine.pdf   Russia’s New Military Doctrine                   August 30, 2010
usa-v-kim.htm         USA v. Stephen Jin-Woo Kim Court Filings         August 30, 2010
wikileaks-mail.htm    Wikileaks Mail Reverse                           August 29, 2010
romeo-spy.doc         The True Story of The KGB Romeo Spy              August 28, 2010 (526KB)      Warfighter Support in an Age of Uncertainty FOUO August 28, 2010 (760KB)
spy-cheats.pdf        IARPA Spy Cheats                                 August 28, 2010
spy-episteme.pdf      IARPA RFP Spy Epistemology                       August 28, 2010
spy-novel.pdf         IARPA RFP Novel Spy Means and Methods            August 28, 2010
spy-ops-sec.pdf       IARPA RFP Safe and Secure Spy Operations         August 28, 2010

spy-signals.pdf       IARPA RFI Recognizing Spy Signals                August 28, 2010
dodi-3115-12.pdf      DoD Open Source Intelligence                     August 28, 2010
dodd-3020-04.pdf      DoD Order of Succession                          August 28, 2010
dodi-1332-14.pdf      DoD Enlisted Administrative Separations          August 28, 2010
DTM-09-015.pdf        Civilian Personnnel Subject to Military Justice  August 28, 2010

ms-sanantonio.htm     Microsoft Data Center San Antonio Eyeball        August 27, 2010
nsa-sanantonio.htm    NSA San Antonio Cryptological Center Birdseye    August 27, 2009
nsa083010.htm         NSA Grants License for Ridge Laser Semiconductor August 27, 2010
dos082710.htm         Arms Export Exemption to Enrich Killers 1        August 27, 2010
dos082710-2.htm       Arms Export Exemption to Enrich Killers 2        August 27, 2010

fhfa082710.htm        Ethical Conduct for Few Employees of the FHFA    August 27, 2010
cinder.pdf            DARPA RFP for Cyber Insider Threat               August 26, 2010
af-war-arch-10-083    Afghanistan Wartime Architecture Aug 2010 Pt 3   August 25, 2010
twin-threats.htm      (TS) Regime Change in Iran and Venezuela         August 25, 2010
obama-protect35.htm   Obama Protection 35                              August 25, 2010

dos082510.pdf         State Dept Lifts Ban on Xe-Blackwater Armaments  August 25, 2010
treas082510.pdf       Alternates to Credit Ratings for Risk Capital    August 25, 2010     Mercatus Center Tax 2008                         Autust 25, 2010
doa082410.htm         CIA Director Walnuts Regulations                 August 24, 2010 Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation Tax 2008   August 24, 2010 Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation Tax 2007   August 24, 2010 Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation Tax 2006   August 24, 2010   David H. Koch Charitable Foundation Tax 2008     August 24, 2010   David H. Koch Charitable Foundation Tax 2007     August 24, 2010   David H. Koch Charitable Foundation Tax 2006     August 24, 2010       PATRIOT Missiles Communication System for UAE    August 23, 2010 (2.2MB)
peary-2010.htm        CIA Camp Peary Training Facility April 2010      August 22, 2010
uk-usa-class.htm      UK - USA Classification Equivalency Table        August 22, 2010      Commander's Guide to Money as a Weapon System    August 22, 2010 (902KB)
mutc.pdf              Army Muscatatuck Urban Training Center           August 22, 2010

wsj-secrecy.htm       Wall Street Journal Secrecy                      August 22, 2010
clamo-gram6.pdf       Center for Law and Military Operations Gram 6    August 22, 2010  
dodd-5205-14.pdf      DoD Counter Threat Finance Policy                August 21, 2010
dodd-5143-02.pdf      Principal Deputy Under SecDef for Spying         August 21, 2010
eo13549.htm           Classified National Security Info for SLTPS      August 20, 2010

doj081810.htm         Barclays Forfeits $298M for Rogue Nations Aid    August 18, 2010
isaf-hq.htm           International Security Assistance Force HQ       August 17, 2010         China Military and Security Developments 2010    August 16, 2010 (4.9MB)
wikileaks-vapid.htm   More Wikileaks Vapid Media Froth                 August 16, 2010
pgpboard-update.htm   PGPBOARD Update                                  August 15, 2010

af-war-arch-10-082    Afghanistan Wartime Architecture Aug 2010 Pt 2   August 14, 2010
dodi-5210-91.pdf      Polygraph and Credibility Assessment Procedures  August 14, 2010
DTM-08-003.pdf        Next Generation Common Access Card Guidance      August 14, 2010
DTM-08-006.pdf        Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12      August 14, 2010
DTM-10-004.pdf        Civil Aviation Intelligence                      August 14, 2010   CIA In-Q-Tel Tax Report 2008                     August 13, 2008 (1.9MB)   CIA In-Q-Tel Tax Report 2007                     August 13, 2008 (1.5MB)   CIA In-Q-Tel Tax Report 2006                     August 13, 2008 (1.5MB)         Business Executives for National Security 2008   August 13, 2010 (1.4MB)         Business Executives for National Security 2007   August 13, 2010 (1.6MB)         Business Executives for National Security 2006   August 13, 2010 (1.7MB)          Foundation for Defense of Democracies 2008       August 13, 2010 (1MB)
wsfc-sop-privacy.pdf  Washington State Fusion Center SOP and Privacy   August 13, 2010
dod081210.htm         DoD Enemies List of Unbribeable Schools          August 12, 2010   American Friends of Bilderberg Tax Report 2008   August 11, 2010 (912KB)          The TOR Project Tax Report 2008                  August 11, 2010 (1.4MB)          International Crisis Group Tax Report 2008       August 11, 2010 (1.2MB)  John M Olin Foundation Tax Report 2008           August 11, 2010
wikileaks-soros.htm   George Soros OSI CIA Inquiry on Wikileaks        August 10, 2010    George Soros OSI Foundation Tax Report 2006      August 10, 2010 (5.7MB)    George Soros OSI Foundation Tax Report 2007      August 10, 2010 (5.7MB)
rosenfeld-v-mod2.htm  Samuel Rosenfeld Again Threatened with Prison    August 10, 2010    George Soros OSI Foundation Tax Report 2008      August 9, 2010 (6.7MB)
uscybercom-defeat.htm USCYBERCOM Commander Eyes First Cyberwar Defeat  August 8, 2010
aljazeera-snitch.htm  Al Jazeera Yet Another Snitch Against Wikileaks  August 8, 2010

af-war-arch-10-08     Afghanistan Wartime Architecture Aug 2010 Pt 1   August 7, 2010
dodi-2000-25.pdf      DoD Spying on Foreign Investment in the US       August 7, 2010
dodd-5105-42.pdf      Defense Security Service                         August 7, 2010
wl-awd-keyword.htm    Wikileaks Afghan War Diary Keyword Histogramming August 6, 2010
dod070510.htm         DoD Hypes Wikileaks Hype                         August 6, 2010

obama-protect34.htm   Obama Protection 34                              August 5, 2010
usg-spying.htm        US Government File Spying                        August 5, 2010
comisaf-coin.htm      COMISAF's Counterinsurgency Guidance             August 4, 2010
schumer-osa.htm       Schumer Official Secrets Act Violation Certain   August 4, 2010
cryptome-f1.htm       Cryptome F1 Snitch Talk                          August 4, 2010

uk-fm-murder.htm      UK Foreign Minister Criminal Murder Secret Poke  August 4, 2010
vigilant-snitch.htm   Vigilant Spectacle of Hacker Snitches            August 4, 2010
cia-ied-2009.htm      CIA Suicide Bomb Attack Report 30 December 2009  August 3, 2010
vigilant-fraud.htm    Project Vigilant Is a Fraud                      August 3, 2010
vigilant-spies.htm    Chet Uber and Richard Brandt Vigilante Spies     August 3, 2010

af-war-arch-10-074    Afghanistan Wartime Architecture July 2010 Pt 4  August 2, 2010
lamo-webster.htm      Adrian Lamo and Timothy Douglas Webster          August 2, 2010
ja-economics.htm      Julian Assange Essay on Participatory Economics  August 2, 2010
hts-prejudice.htm     Human Terrain System Pride and Prejudice         August 2, 2010
gao-10-606.pdf        US Global Cybersecurity and Governance SNAFU     August 2, 2010

O f f s i t e 

Doc-doc 1             Intellectual Fraud Fosters Fat Cat Scientists 1  August 31, 2010
Doc-doc 2             Intellectual Fraud Fosters Fat Cat Scientists 2  August 31, 2010
Bed Bugs              Embedded with Wikileaks                          August 31, 2010
Tap Biz               Jailed Iranian Sues Nokia Semiens for Tap Aid    August 31, 2010
10T                   Ten Theses on Wikileaks                          August 30, 2010

OSA 2                 Official Secrets Abuse 2                         August 29, 2010
OSA 1                 Official Secrets Abuse 1                         August 29, 2010
WoW                   Winds of War in the Levant and Middle East       August 28, 2010
WTTF                  Welcome to the Future                            August 27, 2010
SSI                   DHS Sensitive Security Information Documents     August 26, 2010

WL Hate               Why We Hate Wikileaks                            August 25, 2010
Spy Hit               MI6-GCHQ Employee Murdered                       August 25, 2010
Brad                  Days of Action for Bradley Manning               August 25, 2010
GB-DK                 Global Brainstorm to Defragment Knowledge        August 23, 2010
PIB                   Public Intelligence Blog                         August 23, 2010

Wiki Cash             WSJ: How WikiLeaks Keeps Its Funding Secret      August 22, 2010
Shooter               DOD Releases Final Fort Hood Review              August 20, 2010
Collage               Chipping Away at Censorship Firewalls            August 19, 2010
CIA CPC               CIA Sets Counterproliferation Center             August 18, 2010
Cointel               Newly Declassified COINTELPRO Records            August 15, 2010

Au Di                 Wikileaks Diary Gold Dig                         August 14, 2010
DWD                   2010 Distracted Driver Summit                    August 13, 2010
Torture Time          Time Life Torture Classics                       August 13, 2010
CIA-2Q                CIA's FOIA Fog for 2nd Quarter 2010              August 13, 2010
NSA MDR               NSA Mandatory Declassification Records 2009      August 10, 2010

War Lust              Defense Policy Board Meeting Minutes             August 10, 2010
Dugway                Biological Bomb and Gerald Bull HARP Supergun    August 10, 2010
USA Plot     Conspiracy Theories                  August 10, 2010
Toady Two             Second Scared Newsrag Double Crosses Wikileaks   August 8, 2010
Retireds Arise        Geezers Against National Security Secrecy Cult   August 8, 2010  

AWD Gameboy           Bloodless Fun of Afghan War Logs                 August 6, 2010
Race                  Chasing Wikileaks                                August 5, 2010
PR Bluff              CNN Radio: Bluffing Wikileaks and Cryptome       August 4, 2010
Vig Hoot              Volunteer Tells about Project Vigilant Fraud     August 4, 2010
MC Spy                Monaco Spies on Its Former Spymaster             August 2, 2010

JULY 2010

ja-conspiracies.pdf   Julian Assange Essays on Conspiracies            July 31, 2010
marine-brig.htm       Marine Corps Brig Quantico VA Eyeball            July 30, 2010
aphis072910.htm       Select Agent and Toxin List                      July 29, 2010

nrc072910.htm         National Uranium Enrichment Facility             July 29, 2010
nist072810.htm        Cybersecurity, Innovation and Internet Economy   July 28, 2010
hhs072810.htm         Electronic Health Records Implementation Plan    July 28, 2010
fda072710.htm         PETNet Pet Animal Spying Network                 July 28, 2010
doe072710.htm         Compensation for Nuclear Damage                  July 28, 2010

dsb072710.htm         Defense Science Board COIN ISR Meet              July 28, 2010
wl-diary-mirror.htm   Wikileaks Afghan War Diary Mirror                July 27, 2010
sea-desalination.htm  SEA Desalination Corporation                     July 27, 2010
wikileaks-anon.htm    Wikileaks Why Are Founders Anonymous             July 27, 2010
wikileaks-fear.htm    Wikileaks Fear in the Western Fourth Estate      July 27, 2010

wikileaks-bias.htm    Wikileaks Political Bias                         July 27, 2010
manning-fund.htm      Legal Fund for Bradley Manning Defense           July 27, 2010
co072710.htm          Copyright Office Relaxes Circumvention           July 26, 2010
bis072710.pdf         BIS Clarifies Encryption Export Notification     July 26, 2010
wikileaks-incon.htm   Wikileaks Assange Inconsistent on Apache Attack  July 26, 2010        DoD Operation Flicker Child Porn Report          July 25, 2010 (4.4MB)
wikileaks-legal2.htm  Wikileaks Spin Manning's Legal Representation    July 25, 2010
centcom-bloggers.htm  CENTCOM Interaction with Military Bloggers       July 24, 2010       Pentagon-DoD Shuttle Bus Program Review FOUO     July 24, 2010 (2.5MB)
lamo-shimomura.htm    Adrian Lamo Los Alamos Tsutomu Shimomura         July 24, 2010

phishmongers.htm      PhishMongers Stealth Web Bot Unleashed           July 23, 2010      Law Enforcement Spying Guide 2009 Edition        July 23, 2010 (5.2MB)        Law Enforcement Spying Privacy Verification      July 23, 2010 (1.7MB)    National Health Security Strategy Biennial Plan  July 23, 2010 (1.4MB)
nih072310.htm         Lab Personnel Exposed to Infectious Agents       July 23, 2010

cnssp-17.pdf          Policy on Wireless Comms Protecting NatSec Info  July 22, 2010
cnssp-24.pdf          Policy on Assured Information Sharing for NatSec July 22, 1010
cia080894.htm         CIA Operational File Exemptions from Release     July 22, 2010
cia021095.htm         CIA Sources Sought for Advanced Info Tech        July 22, 2010
doj082595.htm         Entry of Alien Witnesses and Informants          July 22, 2010

wikileaks-snitch.htm  Wikileaks Blows the Whistle on Snitches          July 22, 2010
af-war-arch-10-073    Afghanistan Wartime Architecture July 2010 Pt 3  July 21, 2010
jsou-06-5.pdf         False Blogs and Military Information Strategy    July 20, 2010       Increasing Small Arms Lethality in Afghanistan   July 20, 2010 (1.1MB)         Nuclear Weapon Effects                           July 20, 2010 (2.1MB)

cbp-4510-018b.pdf     CBP Emergency Driving and Vehicular Pursuits     July 20, 2010
obp-50-8b-p.pdf       Arrests of Aliens of Special Interest Countries  July 20, 2010
wikileaks-time.htm    Wikileaks Timeline Manning/Lamo/Poulsen Case     July 19, 2010
lamo-questions.htm    Adrian Lamo Questions on Manning and Wikileaks   July 19, 2010
wikileaks-legal.htm   Wikileaks - Where is PFC Manning's Legal Team?   July 18, 2010

pirate-book.htm       The Pirate Book                                  July 17, 2010
obama-protect33.htm   Obama Protection 33                              July 16, 2010
mom-bomb.htm          Make a Bomb in the Kitchen of Your Mom           July 16, 2010
cn-internet.htm       CN Publishes The Internet in China White Paper   July 15, 2010           Army Civil Support Operations Final Draft        July 15, 2010 (5MB)

wikileaks-audit.htm   Wikileaks Accounting for the Unaccountable       July 14, 2010
af-war-arch-10-072    Afghanistan Wartime Architecture July 2010 Pt 2  July 13, 2010
sec071410.htm         SEC Bans Pay to Play by Investment Advisors      July 13, 2010
hhs072810.htm         Electronic Health Record Technology Standards    July 13, 2010
oil-spill-safety.pdf  Oil Spill Response Safety Action Items CTEH      July 12, 2010

nist070709.pdf        NIST Denies Access to WTC Collapse Data          July 12, 2010
Letter above is related to the following:     52 Photos of World Trade Center 7 Collapse       March 13, 2010 (37MB)

social-media-sit.htm  The Situation with the Social Media              July 12, 2010

ispab071310.htm       Info Security and Privacy Advisory Board Meet    July 12, 2010
hhs071410.htm         Privacy of Identifiable Health Information       July 12, 2010
conficker-kill.htm    Conficker, Cyber Emergency, Internet Kill Switch July 11, 2010
wikileaks-zero.htm    An Open Letter to Wikileaks Insiders             July 11, 2010
wikileaks-supp.htm    Wikileaks Support Initiative                     July 11, 2010

wikileaks-dump.htm    Wikileaks Website to Be Abandoned                July 10, 2010
dodi-5000-56.pdf      DoD Programming GEOINT GIS Geodesy Requirements  July 10, 2010
dodi-5505-11.pdf      DoD Fingerprint Report Submission Requirements   July 10, 2010
usa-v-svr.htm         USA v. SVR Illegals Court Filings Update         July 9, 2010
aps-censors.htm       AU Psycho Society Censors Accreditation Rules    July 9, 2010

wikileaks-open.htm    Open Letter to the Prime Minister of Iceland     July 8, 2010
hts-poolside.htm      Human Terrain System Languishes Poolside         July 8, 2010
doj070710.htm         Five Al-Qaeda Charged in US-UK Attack Plot       July 7, 2010
af-war-arch-10-07.htm Afghanistan Wartime Architecture July 2010 Pt 1  July 7, 2010
deepwater-assay.htm   Deepwater Horizon Crude Assay                    July 7, 2010           Special Forces Unconventional Warfare Draft FOUO July 6, 2010 (5.2MB)
gao-10-466.pdf        Cybersecurity Research and Development SNAFU     July 6, 2010
manning-charge.pdf    US Army Bradley Manning Detailed Charge Sheet    July 6, 2010 (1.2MB)
lamo-greenwald.htm    Blinded by Contempt - Adrian Lamo on G Greenwald July 5, 2010
chiesa-hack2.pdf      Hack NOT Pulled After ATM Vendors Legal Threats  July 6, 2010 (1.2MB)       Hack Pulled After ATM Vendors Legal Threats      July 5, 2010 (1.6MB)
safe-harbor-spy.htm   Safe Harbor Lawful Spying Guide                  July 5, 2010
truste-spy.pdf        TRUSTe Lawful Spying Guide                       July 5, 2010
truste-spy-lib.htm    TRUSTe Lawful Spying Library                     July 5, 2010
adobe-spy.pdf         Adobe Lawful Spying Guide                        July 5, 2010

moneybookers-spy.pdf  Moneybookers Lawful Spying Guide                 July 5, 2010
nsa-arc-zip.pdf       NSA Orders Contractors to Zip Lips               July 4, 2010
wikileaks-keys.htm    Request for Wikileaks PGP Keys Status Update     July 4, 2010
dea010610-1.pdf       DEA Controlled Substance Ordering System 1 FOUO  July 3, 2010
dea010610-2.pdf       DEA Controlled Substance Ordering System 2 FOUO  July 3, 2010

cyberwar-turds.htm    The Economist Turds Cyberwar WMDs                July 3, 2010
pm070610.htm          Long-Term Gulf Coast Restoration Support Plan    July 3, 2010
wikileaks-buck.htm    Where Is Wikileaks Money Mr. Assange?            July 3, 2010
dodd-5205-07.pdf      DoD Special Access Program Policy                July 3, 2010
dodd-3020-40.pdf      DoD Responsibilities for Critical Infrastructure July 3, 2010

dodi-3150-10.pdf      DoD Response to US Nuclear Weapon Incidents      July 3, 2010
obama-protect32.htm   Obama Protection 32                              July 2, 2010
lamo-denies.htm       Adrián Lamo Denies One Wikileaks Case Thoughts   July 2, 2010    Navy Nuclear Weapons System Safety Program       July 2, 2010 (5.5MB)
secnav-5710-28.pdf    Navy Compliance with US-IAEA Nuke Safeguards     July 2, 2010

opnav-5400.pdf        Mission Statement, Commander, Submarine Group 9  July 2, 2010        DoJ Detention Letter on Alleged SVR Spies        July 2, 2010 (1MB)
cbp070610.htm         Securing the Border Between the US and Canada    July 2, 2010
meleagrou-hitch.htm   Alexander Meleagrou-Hitchens Profile             July 1, 2010        Biosurveillance Capability SNAFU                 July 1, 2010 (8.1MB)

gao-10-855t.pdf       Security Guidance for Federal Cloud Computing 1  July 1, 2010        Security Guidance for Federal Cloud Computing 2  July 1, 2010 (1.1MB)
hts-petraeus.htm      Petraeus' Human Terrain System & Covert Ops      July 1, 2010
af-war-arch-10-064    Afghanistan Wartime Architecture June 2010 Pt 4  July 1, 2010
uscc070110.htm        China's Information Control Practices            July 1, 2010

O f f s i t e 

Moms                  Mothers of Bradley Manning and Julian Assange    July 31, 2010

Stop Lies             Honour the war dead - bring their comrades home  July 31, 2010
CNN Shill             CNN Smears Wikileaks Toes USG Line               July 30, 2010
FWF                   Fork While Fork FOI Site                         July 30, 2010
PR War                DoD Driven to Smears of Wikileaks                July 29, 2010
Shoot                 Appleseed Project                                July 29, 2010

Faceoff               Return of the Facebook Snatchers                 July 28, 2010
WL Humor              WikiLeaks' Crusade Against the U.S. Military     July 28, 2010
Roadwar               Julian Assange: The Road to Hanoi                July 28, 2010
Toxic Rogue           Botox-Select-Agent Dual-Use Biowarfare-Rogue     July 28, 2010
Shades                Lawyers Emerge from WikiLeaks Shadows            July 27, 2010

WL Dis 1              Wikileaks Dissent on TV                          July 27, 2010 
WL Dis 2              Wikileaks Dissent on Radio                       July 27, 2010
War Diary Docs        Wikileaks Afghan War Diary Documents             July 25, 2010
War Diary             Wikileaks Afghan War Diary 2004-2010             July 25, 2010
WL Ops                Wikileaks Operations via Daniel Schmitt EN       July 25, 2010

WL Pay                Wikileaks considers paying wages                 July 25, 2010
Cert Spy              Certified Lies: Big Brother In Your Browser      July 24, 2010
OSSpy                 CIA Describes Open Source Spying                 July 24, 2010
NYC                   New York City Aerial Photos                      July 23, 2010
Hide                  DHS Raises FOIA Standard Stonewall               July 22, 2010

Hide2                 DHS FOIA Stonewall Disinformation                July 22, 2010
GIS Yap (ok)          FOIA Stonewall Friendly Watchdog                 July 22, 2010
Paltry                A Few FOIA Records of Millions Still Hidden      July 22, 2010
WL Croak              Wikileaks Blog Goes Live Then Dies               July 18, 2010
CU2                   Cuban Heroes Myers Couple Sentenced              July 16, 2010

PEF                   Presidential Emergency Facilities COG History    July 16, 2010
A-bomb                Touring US Atomic Bomb Facilities Photos         July 15, 2010
Chernobyl             Touring Chernobyl Facilities Photos              July 15, 2010
Exculp                1200 Pages of Senate Help With Vietnam Slaughter July 15, 2010 (3MB)
WL Chits              Foundation Sheds Light on Wikileaks Expenses     July 13, 2010

WL HHC                Wikileaks Hype and Harsh Criticism (German)      July 13, 2010
WL Hype               Wikileaks Claims 1 Million Dollars Raised        July 13, 2010
911                   Paying Attention to 9/11 Related News            July 13, 2010
Sun                   Mundell Says Euro-Dollar Rate More Stable        July 12, 2010
PNE                   Soviet Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Explosions       July 11, 2010 (12MB)

FFL                   61,051 Federal Firearms Licensees Names & Addys  July 8, 2010
Spy Hive              World Intelligence HQ's                          July 8, 2010
HPP                   The Hackers Profiling Project                    July 6, 2010
PH                    Profiling Hackers Publication                    July 6, 2010 (1.1MB)
EP                    Privatization & Atomization of Espionage Sources July 4, 2010

BP                    Budapest Parking                                 July 4, 2010
TLA Logs              CIA and NSA FOIA Logs 1st Quarter 2010           July 3, 2010
MC Spooks 61          Monaco Spying Service 62                         July 3, 2010
CSI                   Studies in Intelligence June 2010                July 3, 2010
DDNI                  Thomas Fingar Former Deputy Masterspy Podcast    July 2, 2010

Gov See               Government Transparency Net                      July 2, 2010
MC Spooks 61          Monaco Spying Service 61                         July 1, 2010
STD                   Spies on Board as Matchmakers!                   July 1, 2010
NSA Gordon            Is Fort Gordon Secure?                           July 1, 2010
Bye-bye Privacy       Autonomy and Control in the Era of Post-Privacy  July 1, 2010